I am a student a Sac State University, California. |
And this is my first Web page. Please bare with me, thank-you. |
If you've stumbled on to this webpage,your going to find a useful things. I think I can guarantee that. I have been working on these pages for over two years. If your wondering how this page came to be along with all my other ones, the answer is simple. I went back to school a few short years ago (about 8). I received an AA in Social Science and graduated with Honors in 1998. But, not only did I complete the required units necessary for the AA in Social Science, but I also took several other classes that interested me and graduated with enough units to get two AA's with degrees. However, I am saving some of these for a Certificate in Office Technology instead. This is something I will pursue after I receive my BA is Social Science with a certificate towards some teaching credentials. I had 70 units to take with me to Sac State. I started out as a junior and am now left with two semesters before I will graduate. I will be starting my 3rd year at Sac State this Fall. I am a 46 year old, single mom who loves raising a 15 year old boy going on 16, who will be learning to drive a car soon (oh my!!). The third greatest thing I ever did was go back to school. The second greatest thing was have a child. And the first greatest thing I ever did was accept Christ as my Saviour. School has been a very special experience for me. It has made my life better than it ever was before. I plan on trying to reach as high as I can. Wish me luck, but... in the meantime, kick back and take a few moments to investigate a few places that I think you'll like. I will be adding things when I can. So come back and check out what new goodies might appear here. Until then do enjoy and E-mail me sometime. I'd love to hear from you. A directory of all the pages I offer can be found on the directory page. That's a good place to start.---------------------This page was last updated August 4,2000. |
Links to other sites on the Web |
I go to CSUS. This is my second semester.
Ah...Good old American River College. Here's a place for everyone. Come on.. take a class or two.
Encina is one of the high schools I went to.
The page for you if your interested in flight.
Do you like photos, good photos? Me too!! Check out this website.
A picture can tell us more sometimes than all the words in the world. I bet you'll find some use for this website.
Look here for the directory of all of Stephanie's Place pages. It is a bran new page that will lead you right to what page you're looking for. Right now I have added a few, check them out. Stayed tuned. |
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