Discoveries of Endangered Chimpanzees

Jane Goodal’s first year of studying chimps was in 1960. She studies the chimpanzees in Gombe. She found out chimpanzee eat meat. David Greybeard (a chimp) was spotted eating a pig bush baby. David was also the first animal to use a tool he made. He cut a fat piece of grass to investigate a termite nest.
Figan was the first chimpanzee to "plan" something ahead of time. This chimp "planned" to kidnap two other chimps to make the group follow him to a different location. Mike was the first chimpanzee to use a man-made object. He clanged kerosene cans to create a noise.
When chimpanzees sighted a waterfall, they did a "dance". Jane Goodal believes they are showing their emotions.
Passion and Pom, mother and daughter, are cannibals. They ate ten baby chimps. When Figan’s brother, Faben, was taken away, it was hard on Figan. He was very close to Faben. This was the first sign of togetherness of chimpanzees. Figan had a hard time shooing away challenges, although he dominated as king for ten years.
When Mel’s mother died of pneumonia, he had no parents. He was "adopted" by a teenager named Spindle. This was the first "adoption" made by chimpanzees.
Sometimes males will lead females away from the group and become "married". This happened when Winkle and Evered separated from the other chimps. Winkle gave birth to his son named Wilkie. The Mitumba community of chimps use twigs to capture carpenter ants. One member joined the Kasakela community. Flossi, a Kasakela, used this skill. This was the first transfer of technology. A very rare birth occurred in 1994. Rafiki gave birth to twins named Roots and Shoots. Twins have happened only once before!
Aspilla is a medical plant. Chimpanzees have been observed eating aspilla leaves. The theory is that the chimps are trying to relieve stomach pains. Animal Homepage