NOTE: There is limited camping at a couple of the sites, for local riders
joining plan accordingly. Thank you for your time and support of this ride for
World Peace and Prayer.
How to Prepare a Horse Before an Endurance Ride
1. Horse Shoes/Hoof Care
Check horse shoes for weakness. Replace horse shoes if required. A horse should
be shod for a long ride. Hoof care is imporatant, the hoof takes all the weight
from body to ride. Hoof chips or cracks may causes serious injury.
2. Horse conditioning
A horse should be physically fit for an endurance ride.
Before the ride: I. Horse(s) should be prepared for conditioning by:
exercising it 2-3 times a week by riding it several miles a day to harden
muscles, tendons, and its' hide (hide under saddle and cinches etc.) II.
Unconditioned horse will not be able to withstand the endurance ride otherwise.
3. Horse Vaccination
Horses should be vaccinated to prevent a spread of viruses amongst other horses.
4. Tack
A. Padding- There are two pads suggested for sufficiency to prevent scalding
(sores in horses).
I. A soft thick pad placed first next to the horse hide to absorb sweat.
II. A heavier pad on top of the soft padding.
Note: saddle pads are washable. Dirty saddle pads may have accumulated hair,
dirt, and unclean ones may cause scalding (sores).
B. Saddle- A saddle that fits a horse properly.
Note: saddles vary in size, shape, etc. Like horses their back shape also
varies. A properly fitted saddle will prevent scalding (sores.)
5. Other Tack
Breast Collars, Bands, Latigo Straps should be oiled regularly and check for
cracks, weak from wear and replaced. To prevent horses scalding, these tack
should fit the horse. Cinches included.
6. Horse Feed
Clean Feed should be given to horse. Feed should be checked for mold or dust.
I. Dry hay should be used.
II. Oats is recommended
Note: Wheat, barley or pure alfalfa creates bloating and colie in horses.
III. Use salt blocks. Making salt available to horses is recommended. Salt
replaces salt loss through sweating.
7. Water for Horses Clean water is essential.
Note: Rubber trough will prevent unnecessary injuries
8. Horse Feeding and Watering
Avoid feeding or watering horses right after a heavy workout. Before watering
and feeding, horses should be cooled down. Horses should be fed a half hour
after cool down.
9. Pest and Insects
Horses should be kept in an area where it was smoked.