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~ From where I came I will return ~
~Author Unknown~
From where I came I 
will return. Born from the womb of Mother Earth and weaned from her ~ I grew, as the grass grows upon her lap, receiving nourishment. I am grateful.
 My roots strong, I was given wings. I sprang into my life cycle ~ I traveled 
in a circle with no end, as the seasons and years run one into another since time began. I was carried by the wind
Ihave tried to walk the good red road through lifes events, at one with nature. My life, my pace, my whole being touched by the heartbeat of this living planet ~ this island in the sky which is touched by the heartbeat of the universe.
 There is a continuity ~ a joining of it all.


All this is the work of the creator. I am but one part of a harmonious creation ~ but one element of nature, a body spinning with all ~ a satellite within the ripples from the center. I am at the center ~ at all times with the creator. I cannot seperate myself from the center, which is our creator.


We are all on the rim of the world and at the center at the same time.  We are attached to the ripples that eminate from the center ~ life is so. 
We ride the waves ~ the wind turns us.  We flow as the prairie grass flows and we are bound to the sacred land ~ walking our path in a sacred manner.


I am as one with all creations ~ the other humans; the four leggeds; the winged ones; those of the water and air.  I give thanks for all ~ the grasses, trees, streams, lakes and seas; the mountains, plains, deserts and swamps; the hills, valleys and shores; the stones,clay, sand, 
and the air ~all relatives under the flowering tree.


The earth is my floor and it is sacred ~ the sky is my cathedral, my alter all about. I must cry when Mother Earth is hurt. If nature is damaged or destroyed forever I cannot live ~ life cannot be sustained. The elements of the sacred circle are meant to be joined ~ beating to a common pulse. If one dies it is the same as family dying.


The smoke from my pipe carries my prayers and they are answered ~ Our creator hears and responds with his life ~  giving sunlight, rains and snow, warmth and cold, mild and harsh ~ it is all part of the cycles of things. From the four directions we receive and give thanks.  From his hands we have evolved ~ time changes us.
               artist unknown
Our creator sends the eagle circling. It is a blessing for life below. We dance to the pulses we live by the heartbeat ~ dancers circling to the songs of old ~ fusing the circle whole again in our hearts ~ traditions carried on~
generations bequeststing all that is good of the old ways.
There were those who attempted to shatter our bowl so that the life would flow out. But, you see we live ~ memories and values cannot be destroyed, for they are of the mind. Other things can be taken away, but we are revived ~ good,
old ways not forgotten.


Through millions of campfires at where we rested, we have 
respected the land and 
it's abundance. I have
learned to appreciate the diversity of man and of nature. It is all to be charished ~ each with their individual beauty and dignity ~ a sanctity not to be destroyed, but 
respected and preserved.
We and our lives are but a sparkle of time, within an immense cycle that began long before earth itself was formed. We are each not insignificant, from man to the grain of sand, but humbly we accept our place in the harmony of it all. Our people's hoop is but one of many hoops that make the circle.


It has been a hard road. I have known who I am from the beginning, but there were times of denial when, in order to be accepted in the world, I tried to be someone else. Now I can say who I am with pride. I have tested the other world and it has tested me. I choose my path.


There is the white mans world and the Indian world. Take the best of both worlds Sitting Bull said ~ and that I will do in order to survive. Now I am content with my choice. I have learned to know who I am ~ to not leave behind traditions~ to listen to the elders ~ and to care. My choice is strong in my heart.
I dance again and sit at the drum. the heartbeat pulse sets my rhythm I am absorbed in and attached to the center. I have found it again and I am happy. To follow the good red road is my goal. From where I came I have returned. The circle is my path ~ that is the way ~ our way~ I am Indian.



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