"Faces of Africa"

This painting is my homage to the beauty and diversity of the African-American culture.

In this painting, I had some specific faces in mind, but many other faces emerged spontaneously. Often this creative process surprises even myself, as it appears that the painting itself is in control of its own outcome.

Esta pintura e minha homenagem a beleza e a divercidade da cultura Afro-Americana.

Nesta pintura, eu tinha ideas specificas paras algumas das faces, porem muitas otras surgiram espontaneamente. Este processo creativo muitas vezes surpriende a mim mesmo, pois parece que a pintura em si mesma esta em controle do resultado final.

"Brazilian Wood Carving"

This painting is inspired by the strong African influence on my own home culture in Brazil


Esta pintura fue inspirada pela influencia Africana na minha cultura Brasileira.

The center part of this painting is a still-life of a typical wood carving found in Brazilian homes. The faces on the sides are purely imaginary, like those seen in the grain of a piece of wood.

O centro desta pintura é uma natureza-morta de uma talha tipica Brasileira. As faces dos lados são pura imaginação, como as caras que vemos nas fibras de um pedaço de madeira


Chains From The Past


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