Dr. Wastewater's Duckweed Application Page
Louis Landesman (landesman49@yahoo.com)
Duckweed refers to a family of floating aquatic plants with the scientific name Lemnaceae. The Lemnaceae are monocots (like grasses and palms) and
are divided into 5 genera:
Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia, Landoltia and Wolffiella. Of these 5 genera Spirodela is the largest and Wolffiella is the smallest. Duckweed normally reproduces by budding (a form of asexual reproduction) although it is capable of sexual reproduction as well. Duckweed may be the most promising plant for the twenty-first century for the following reasons:

Duckweed produces more protein per square meter than soybeans.

Duckweed can be used to feed
fish, shrimp, poultry and cattle.

Duckweed can purify and concentrate nutrients from wastewater (sewage effluent).

Duckweed provides food for wildlife, especially waterfowl.
My research with duckweed focused
on 2 questions:

1. Competition between 3 duckweed genera (
Lemna, Wolffia and Landoltia).

2. The effect of grazing on the
outcome of this competition.

This research was done at the:

University of Louisiana,
Lafayette, Louisiana

North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, North Carolina

To access my dissertation on the use of duckweed in wastewater
click here (part 1) and
(part 2).
Spirodela polyrrhiza
Important Duckweed Links:
The Charms of Duckweed
Duckweed as wildlife habitat
Modeling duckweed growth
Wayne Armstrong's Lemnaceae
Related Links:
Integrated agricultural systems
Lemna Technologies, Inc.
Biolex Inc.
Treatment pond biota
Livestock in rural research and development
Duckweed as fish and shrimp feed
Lemna for nutrient recovery
Lemna obscura
Lemna Technologies Treatment Plant,   Sunset, Louisiana
Harvesting duckweed (Lemna species),
Sunset, Louisiana