







Troop 30 is a very young troop by most standards. In the summer of 2000 we will celebrate our sixth anniversary. Scouting will be 93 years old, BSA will be 90 years old and the Order of the Arrow 85 years old. There are Troops with 80+ years of history behind them and their programs. In our short time we are very proud of the accomplishments of our Scouts and have reserved this "Eagles Nest" to recognize those members of Troop 30 who have earned Scoutings highest rank, that of Eagle Scout.

In the history of the Boy Scouts of America less than 2% of those boys who start on the trail to Eagle finish their quest. Those who do more often than not go on to distinguish themselves in a variety of areas. We want to memorialize this accomplishment here in the Troop 30 Scout Group Eagle Nest, a goal for every member of our Boy Scout and Senior Scout Groups.

The Troop 30 Eagles:

Chris Pierce 1996

Michael Pierce 1999

Jayson Tackitt 1999

Michael Bohanske 2000

Jake Grossman 2001

Zach Harmon 2001

Brett Erman 2001

Loran Erman 2001


We would also like to welcome into our nest those Scouters who as boys earned the Eagle Award and are now members of that select Fraternity of the Silver Eagle. They continue to demonstrate those qualities passed on to them in their quest and have kept alive the Eagle promise by sharing their time in Scouting with others.

David Zinder Eagle Class of 1953

James Russell Eagle Class of 1959

Colin Criswell Eagle Class of 1966

Wayne Grossman Eagle Class of 1967

Chris Thille Eagle Class of 1967

Bob Bohanske Eagle Class of 1969

Hans Harambasic Eagle Class of 1974



Today I Am An Eagle

The Old Ones tell of the nest
Of the sacred bird called the Eagle

Home for her eaglets sits high,
Touching the sky.

A mother sits proud and defiant,
She has little ones who will soon leave her,
She worries;

The morning has come,
The Mysterious One's rays warm her children's faces.
Today one will fly or fall:

A flap of wings, a screech of power,
He leaps, he is gone.

His head does not look back
There is sadness behind.

He flies east his wings flapping power,
He passes his cousins of the air,


-- Howard Rainer, Taos-Creek, 1977