Summer 1996


....…’s the program…TRADITIONAL SCOUTING …it’s the program…..

Troop 30 completed its second annual summer camp this past week. Overall it was a most impressive and fun filled venture.

The Troop brought 19 Scouts to camp divided into three patrols. For many it was there first Scout Camp experience. We were able to unload and set up the boy’s tents and equipment prior to the start of the now famous Raymond liquid sunshine. Yes it did rain…. in fact enough rain that after three days in camp the Forest Service and then the Camp administration lifted the fire restrictions and the ban on off camp trail hiking. We were successful in keeping most all gear dry and the scouts warm. On Wednesday we were treated to a most impressive hail storm that covered the camp so that it looked a bit like a winter wonderland. Thursday and Friday we were able to enjoy dry daytime activities with rain showers only in the evening.

The Troop was well equipped and the Camp Director as well as the Council Scout Executive who was up from Phoenix for a camp inspection visited our campsite. Everyone pitched in to make sure the campsite was clean and safe. In fact the Troop earned an average 104 points of a possible 105 for the week.

As a Troop the boys were very active and involved. We attended four campfires, four Troop hikes (two at night following a pre-set compass course) and two to impressive viewpoints over the canyon. We also attended all camp wide assemblies and participated in the camp wide Lumberjack festival on Friday. So involved was the Troop that we were presented with the Camp Raymond ADVENTURE AWARD for program and activity involvement at Friday nights general assembly. Also at this assembly two of our three patrols were presented with HONOR PATROL awards for their involvement, spirit and effort. Congratulations to the Soaring Eagles and the Screaming Eagles. The Vikings patrol won a second place over all award in competition with all other patrols in camp in the Lumberjack Festival.

The Troop started its first night in camp with 8 adults spending the night, (thanks again to Chef Jeff Bennett our Sunday dinner and Monday breakfast cook), and the last night in camp with 10 adults, Many thanks to Rick Erman and Joe Harmon for Friday nights Dutch oven cobblers.

While at camp the Troop met with the Order of the Arrow, (the Society of Honor Scout Campers) who conducted a Troop election. Only Scouts who are NOT members of the O.A. can vote and only Scouts who have earned First Class, have completed a long term camp and 15 nights of camping, as well as demonstrate the Scout oath and Law in their daily lives are eligible for nomination. The Troop elected two Scouts to this Honor Society, they are Eddie Robinson and Michael Bohanske. Congratulations to both. They will now have to participate in and pass the Ordeal. The Troop committee was also able to nominate and elect one adult member into the Order, congratulations to Joe Harmon who will also now have to pass the Ordeal.

The other Scout in our Troop (at camp) who is a member of the O.A., completed his Brotherhood quest and is now a lifetime member of the O.A., congratulations to Michael Pierce.

The individual program activities also went well. The Troop earned 70 of the 79 merit badges attempted. That’s almost four merit badges per Scout. There were nine partial completions (additional work needed to finish the badge.) Of the 27 different merit badges offered at camp this week, the Troop earned 20, a great accomplishment. A majority of the Troop earned the " Pathfinder Award " completing a series of requirements for first year Raymond Campers.

Troop Accomplishments:

Camp Raymond Adventure Award

Honor Patrol Award ( 2 of 3 patrols)

70 Merit Badges

18 Scouts hiked the Fortress trail, 7 adults

17 Scouts hiked the Maha Point trail, 7 adults

16 Scouts Hiked the Silver Eye trail, 4 adults

14 Scouts hiked the Deer Eye trail, 3 adults

14 Scouts earned the Black Bear patch, 3 adults

15 Scouts earned the Pathfinder Award n/a adults

1 Scout completed the Mile Swim Award, 1 adult ( Deb Harmon)

1 Scout completed the Tenderfoot Run Award, 0 adults

2 Scouts elected to the Order of the Arrow, 1 adult

In addition many of the Scouts completed requirements in the Tenderfoot to First Class program. So many in fact it will take us several weeks to compile all the achievements.

The Camp was not able to provide all the patches and trail award segments that the Troop earned at check out time. They will be forwarded to us and be presented at the next Court of Honor. The Troop Committee is in the process of moving the date of the Court to mid August. When the new date is firm everyone will be notified.

A weeklong camp experience cannot be accomplished without a significant amount of help. So again thanks to all the parents for your help in providing your son with this experience.

Adults and Scouters who spent time at Raymond: FULL TIME - Jim Russell, Deb Harmon, Janice Leitner, Bob Bohanske: PART TIME – Glenn Kirk, Joe Harmon, Dan Pierce, Karl Brandenburger, Mr.and Mrs. Jeff Bennett, Daniell Russell, Rick Erman, Shirley Avery.

Also a special thank you to those adults who donated, in addition to time, the Troops new tents, chuck boxes, poles, Troop sign and other equipment, food, supplies and most of all the opportunity for many boys.

And now we start the process for next year…..Several members of the Troop Committee are interested in exploring the possibility of an out of state Scout Camp, perhaps on a lake in California where the boys could experience the full range of water sport merit badge activity. There are so many great Scout Camps in the West and so few summers to experience them….

Bob Bohanske

Summer Camp Scoutmaster






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