Landfill Gas Site 
My name is Dick van Faassen. I was employee in a Dutch Regional Energy Distribution Company COGAS at Almelo as Head of the Engineering department.I am retired now, but still interested in some of the projects I worked on.

Cogas company is involved in the recovery of Landfill Gas at three places in the Netherlands:
In 1999 there was an international contact with Peru in South America for assistance with a Landfill Gas Project near Lima, the capital of Peru. Problems with financial support from the local authorities, were cause to stop that project.

Because of the high contents of methane in the landfill gas, it is a 20 times higher contribution to the greenhouse gases if it can escape freely. So the use of the gas for fuel purposes is a good thing to our environment. Economic recovery depends on the amount of retractable gas. How do we know how many cubic meters of gas a landfill produces?

During my work on the above mentioned projects I developed a method for the calculation of the amounts of biogas that possibly can be extracted from a regular landfill.
As landfill gas is generated from organic compounds in the waste, I tried to investigate the composition of the refuge.

 From sorting tests and publications I composed a scheme for moderate composition in rural landfills and calculated the Specific Gas Production (in cubic meters per tonne refuse per year).

German translation Landfill Gaspage (Deutsche Uebersetzung):

French translation (traduction en français):
Page de Gaz d'ordures
Spanish translation (en Espagnol)
Sitio del Biogas del Terraplèn

In the next page the Landfill Gas Calculation method is explained:
Erklaerung der Deponiegasberechnungen (in Englisch):
Explication de calcul de biogaz (en anglais):

 Landfill Gas Site

  Calculation summary
  More about Landfill Gas etc.:
  LFG-treatment, upgrade

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