Picture courtesy of MAS archives.

Greetings Visitor

You have come to this site because you, just as
our members are involved with tropical fish.

Let me tell you a little about us.
A few people got together in 1933 to share their
knowledge of keeping fish in the home aquarium.
This small group met in each others homes
and eventually had to expand to larger locals
from henceforth monthly meetings were held
which is still perpetuated today.

We are a non-profit organization and the goals are
to promote the mutual interest of its members
in acquiring, breeding and raising aquarium fish
and plant life.

Our monthly meetings consist of different activities which are outlined
when browsing this site

I invite you to visit one of our meetings to check us out.

New members will receive a manual in which all the club's acivities are fully explained.

Hans Behr, President

This site is maintained
by Demonsnuggler

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