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Donaldo Allen (right) of MASTA introduces the representatives of the different groups participating in conconference.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Hector Portillo, National Environmental Commission; Benjamin Morales, President of MASTA; Oswaldo Munguia, Executive Director of MOPAWI; Edgardo Benitez, Asang Launa Coordinator and Ernesto Moya, Coordinator of the Olancho Ecological Group.

Friday, September 4, 1998. Ethnic groups inhabiting the Honduran Mosquitia held a press conference to declare their opposition to the construction of the Hydroelectric Dam Project Patuca II. The following information explaining their opposition was made available to the press.

10 Questions About the Patuca II Hydroelectric Dam

1. What is Patuca II ?

" Patuca II " is the name of a plan to build a hydroelectric plant on the river Patuca (similar to the one at "El Cajon"). The site of the proposed dam is in the department of Olancho inside the boundaries of the Patuca National Park. The Patuca National Park is part of the international "Biological Corridor of Mesoamerica" system recognized by the United Nations and the State of Honduras for its value as a source of water and oxygen; as a sanctuary for wild life; and for its economic potential for the citizens of Honduras. The Patuca National Park is part of one of the largest tropical rainforests in the north of Amazonas "\According to the current plans, construction work will be started in 1999 and will be completed in 2004. Patuca II will have three turbines with the capacity to generate 270 MW of electricity. As a comparison, "El Cajon " has the capacity to generate 300 MW.

The Patuca II Hydroelectric Dam Project consists of three principal parts (5,6) which will cause irreversible changes in the zone of La Mosquitia and Olancho in the Patuca river basin.

The three principle parts of the Patuca II dam construction are:

a) The infrastructure to advance and maintain the work, which consists of the following:

- An access road from Catacamas to the site, including the construction of 53 kilometers of new road through the Mazicales virgin tropical rainforest, and the dam construction site itself.

- The construction of power lines along another route such as that of the road from the dam to Tegucigalpa.

- A large building camp for the workers (2,000 people) at the construction site.

b) A concrete wall 105 meters high and 435 meters wide (the dam wall with the turbines) will be built 4 kilometers down river from the confluence of the rivers Patuca and the Cuyamel. The effect will be a total change in the flow of the waters above and below the dam. Patuca II will be followed by a second dam with a maximum height of 253 or 293 meters above sea level (according to the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) plan elaborated by HARZA and WCI/Bio-Consult 1998). Although the second dam is mentioned in the description of the project in the EIS Plan, it is NOT to be included in the EIS which will be presented for project approval to the Honduran Secretariat for the Environment and Natural Resources (SERNA).

c) A reservoir with an area of approximately 45 square kilometers with a height of 189 meters above sea level. The reservoir will widen the river Patuca over a distance of 105 kilometers, to a width of approximately 400 meters. Also the river Cuyamel is going to be broadened, almost as far Rancho Escondido. This means that both sides of the two rivers, along with the homes of the inhabitants, will be flooded.

2. Who Is Proposing To Build It ?

A new energy law has been passed by the government of Honduras. This facilitates the investment of private business in the supply of energy. So, Patuca II will be built by the two United States companies HARZA (based in Chicago) and the Panda Patuca Power Company ( based in Dallas, Texas and Tegucigalpa, Honduras ). They will subcontract to Honduran companies. Neither the State of Honduras or the National Company for Electrical Energy (ENEE) will be involved in the financing of the project, nor will they be owners. HARZA and the Panda Patuca Power Company will sell the energy generated by the dam to the ENEE at a previously determined price through an electrical energy sale/purchase agreement.

At a global level, HARZA employs approximately 400 people and generates over US$ 100,000,000 in sales each year (12). HARZA plans, designs and administrates the building of some of the largest and most controversial dams in the world, for example "The Three Gorges Dam" in China (12).

The Three Gorges project needs so much money, that the Government of China has not had sufficient funds to improve protection against floods in the river Yangtze. The result has been a flood catastrophe with more than 3,000 dead and millions of refugees.

The projects of the Panda Energy International at a global level include coal, gas, and hydroenergy. Panda operates two hydroelectric projects at present, in other parts of the world, with a total capacity of 420 MW. Recently Panda has joined with HARZA for the purpose of developing hydroelectric projects, and in Honduras they have formed the Panda Patuca Power Company, based in Tegucigalpa. Panda / HARZA have contracted the consultation company WCI / Bioconsult, based in Tegucigalpa, to produce an Environmental Impact Study, in order to obtain the obligatory environmental licence from SERNA.

3. How Much Will It Cost ?

The cost of the construction of the project will be approximately US$ 500,000,000. This sum does not include the economic losses incurred by the inevitable environmental, social, and cultural damage.

  4. Who Will Pay ?

For the financing of the project to the total value of US$500m, HARZA and Panda Patuca need Honduran and international investors to provide the money for the construction. Between 10 and 15 years after competion of the dam (planned for the year 2,004), the building companies and investors will have recuperated their investment and will be earning money from the sale of energy. Possible national investors include the following: Grupo Loveable, El Paraiso Investments, and Grupo Benjamin Membreno. The co-ordinator for these national investors is Ing. Jesus Canahuati (6). Exact details of which groups will be financing the project have yet to be published. On other occasions, HARZA and Panda Energy have co-operated with various international investors. For example, in Nepal a hydroelectric dam built by Panda Energy International had the financial support of the World Bank (through its cooperator "International Corporation of Finances SFI"), European banks such as "Dresdner Bank" and the "Bayerische Vereinsbank" from Germany, and from banks in the U.S.A. such as MCN Investment Corporation, U.S. Export-Import Bank EXIM, and The Private U.S. Overseas Insurance Corporation (12).

5. Will the Project Benefit Honduras ?

At the moment (1998) Honduras has an energy production of 3,193 GWh (Gigawatt Hours), generated with the total installed capacity of 720 MW. For the development of the country it is necessary to provide adequate energy. In 1999, because of an energy deficit of 120 MW (4,8), Honduras will buy energy from private Honduran companies (Luz y Fuerza de San Lorenzo S.A. LUFUSSA; Electricidad de Cortez S.A. ELCOSA; Empresa de Mantenimiento y Construccion de Electricidad EMCE). The Patuca II project is not going to change this deficit in the short term because production will not begin before the year 2004. Electricity will be produced by the companies HARZA and Panda Patuca Power Company who will then sell it to Honduras. According to the EIS plan, the power line will be directly connected to urban areas, which means that the communities which are to be potentially adversely affected by the project will not benefit from the electrical services. Employment for construction will only be short term. After the construction there will be many unemployed people in the zone who will become colonisers of the protected areas. The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor will be broken, as will its economic, social, and ecological benefits at the local, national, and world wide level.

The merchandisers of electricity from Patuca II (HARZA, Panda Patuca, and the investors) will be the ones who reap the benefits of the project, because nowhere else in Honduras will energy be produced as cheaply as by Patuca II (3) (three times cheaper than the present price of electricity in Honduras). But no contract has yet been signed for electrical energy which quotes a price three times less than the present price for the people, and the Honduran economy. Also, Honduras is going to be dependant on another large dam. Experience with the "El Cajon" dam demonstrates what can happen if the constructors do not work with care, and the tenuous nature of the availability of electricity.


6. Will the Project Benefit La Mosquitia and Olancho?  

The benefits for La Mosquitia are not apparent. There are no detailed plans, not even draft ones, of how La Mosquitia will benefit from this project in the medium and the long term. There are no guarantees that the electricity generated by the dam will be used to offer electricity to La Mosquitia, the only mention of the electrification of La Mosquitia comes in the fifty year development plan of the ENEE. The benefits for the inhabitants of La Mosquitia and Olancho are small. In the short term it will create a limited quantity of employment, but these jobs will disappear after the construction of the dam. This will leave a large number of unemployed people in the zone, without opportunities to improve their standard of living in the short or the long term. However, the serious ecological, social, cultural, and economic damage will remain.


7. What are the Risks Involved in the Construction of Patuca II ?

  • Soil erosion, because of deforestation around the river Patuca.
  • Sedimentation I: Silting up of the river below the dam (removal of the soil and associated reduced fertility).
  • Sedimentation II: The dam will silt up rapidly, its life will be short, or it will be necessary to build a second dam up river of Patuca II (11).
  • Sedimentation III: Water without sediment causes more erosion down river.
  • Resettlement of the present inhabitants (deforestation, erosion, different life.)
  • Rapid colonisation by means of the new road (7). The river basin above the dam will be exploited (for example roads, erosion, sedimentation)
  • Presence of workers (related contamination and infrastructure)
  • A large area of water (like a lake) affects the micro-climate, it affects the level of the underground water-table. Also, there are health risks (e.g. malaria) and it will affect the growth of aquatic plants.
  • Loss of forest (habitat for flora and fauna and for man, source of water and oxygen, plants for medicines and other uses).
  • The loss of animals (in danger of extinction, routes of migration, and destruction of habitat.)
  • The loss of sources of future wealth , for example, medicinal substances, eco-tourism, and the sale of oxygen.
  • The destruction of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (with local, national and global implications) contrary to national and international laws and agreements (1,2).
  • Negative impact on international cooperation which supports the conservation of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor in Honduras.
  • Threat to the culture and rights of the indigenous people, violation of OIT 169 (I.L.O. agreement on indigenous rights ratified by Honduras) (18).
  • The loss of cultural monuments and archeological sites which have yet to be investigated.
  • The total duration of the Environmental Impact Study is less than one year, which is little time to evaluate environmental impact in a zone with so much natural, cultural, and archaeological richness.
  • The Environmental Impact Study is paid for by the HARZA construction company.

8. Who Decides Whether and How the Project Goes Ahead?

Every project which could affect the environment should be evaluated for environmental impact (according to the General Law of the Environment of the Republic of Honduras). In the end the Secretary for Natural Resources and the Environment (SERNA) is the organism responsible for approving the "Environmental Licence", or refusing it because a negative environmental impact relative to benefits is expected. The company WCI/Bioconsult (Tegucigalpa), which is paid by HARZA and the Panda Patuca Power Company, has been working since the beginning of 1998 on the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study. It is expected that a draft of the final report will be given to SERNA in December 1998. In January 1998 SERNA will publish their decision in favour of, or against, the Project after giving the public one month to consider, discuss and express opinions on the results of the EIS.

There are many critical points in the process of approving the Environmental Licence such as:-

Only six weeks (5,6) are planned for the preparation of field data for the EIS. It is NOT possible in six weeks to research the environmental impact of the Patuca II Project on the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor in Honduras. For example, it is not possible to take into account the different seasons of the year, or the socioeconomic and ecological scenarios. It is necessary to adapt the team of investigators, and the time taken for the study, to the climatic, social, cultural and ecological conditions of the zone for the benefit of the nation of Honduras.

SERNA and it's officials should remain neutral, objective and without prejudice in considering, evaluating and pronouncing on the Environmental Impact Study. In April 1998, before the preliminary results of the study, a minister of the present government said openly in the village of Batalla, La Mosquitia, in front of the people, a number of ambassadors, and businessmen that "the project will go ahead and no indian is going to stop it". Also,other high functionaries of the government and deputies of the National Congress have indicated that Patuca II will go ahead. This suggests that a decision has already been made, before the results of the EIS are obtained, and gives rise to serious doubts about the commitments which the government has made with the construction companies.

    Thus doubt is cast on the neutrality and objectivity of government functionaries, who are responsible for the approval of the Environmental Impact Evaluation, and should demonstrate these attitudes. Also there are national and international laws and agreements which would be violated, for example: the OIT 169 of 1989 (Agreement of the International Labour Organisation) about the rights of indigenous and tribal people in independent countries and ratified by Honduras in 1994; and Decree No 104-93 of the General Law of the Environment dealing with the participation of the population. 9. Are There Alternatives?

    Yes there are alternatives for the generation of Electricity to the year 2005 with a total capacity of at least 927 MW without the Patuca II project. This is four times the quantity potentially produced by Patuca II. The following are the alternatives for producing energy:

    Possible projects planned for the generation of electricity with their capacities in MW. Name Type of Project Company Capacity (MW) (4) Various Sites Thermal Plant (2) ENEE 276 Cangrejal Hydro Hydro-West 50 Los Llanitos Hydro Staf Kraf/ ENEE 135 11 Small Sites Hydro Proy. GAUREE/ENEE 43 Aguas de la Renia High-Head,No Reservoir Lombardi ? Aguas de la Renia Low Head ENEE 52 El Tablon Hydro ? 110 Jilamito Hydro Hidroeléctrica Atlantis 20 Aguas de la Renia Hydro Tia Hon Mex 100 Biomasa Biomass Bio-Gen 30 Biomasa Biomass (Bagazo) (3) Sugar Cane Industry 41 Biomasa Biomass Towner 30 Biomasa Biomass COHDESACia. Bambú 25 - 50 Eólico Wind Zond 30 - 60 Total min. 927 TOTAL MAX 997 N.B. The environmental impact of these projects would of course need careful evaluation.

9. Are There Alternatives?

Yes, there are alternatives for the generation of Electricity to the year 2005 with a total capacity of at least 927 MW without the Patuca II project. This is four times the quantity potentially produced by Patuca II. The following are the alternatives for producing energy:

Possible projects planned for the generation of electricity with their capacities in MW.


Type of Project


Capacity (MW) (4)

Various Sites

Thermal Plant (2) ENEE






Los Llanitos




11 Small Sites




Aguas de la Reina

High Head-No Reservoir



El Tablon

Low head







Aguas de la Reina


Hidroeléctrica Atlantis




Tia Hon Mex 







Biomasa (Bagazo) (3)

Sugar Cane Industry








COHDESA Cia. Bambu





Total min.


Total max.


N.B. The environmental impact of these projects would of course need careful evaluation.

10. What Can I Do?

This information is given not so we can simply say NO, but it is to call the attention of all the citizens of Honduras to take care of our future and to participate in the sustainable development of our country. The citizens of Honduras officially have the right to participation and to see transparency in the development of the Patuca II project.

If you are concerned about this project, you can:-

Request detailed information about the plans and agreements concerning the Patuca II project, the present and future energy policy of Honduras, and about the national and international investors and their interests. Share the information obtained with any of the organisations concerned with the Patuca II project, for example HARZA, Ministry of the Environment, and COHDEFOR, ENEE, Bioconsult, MOPAWI, National Coordinator for the Environment (CNA), Tawahka Indigenous Foundation (Asarg-Launa FITH), Moskitia Asle Takanka (MASTA). As concrete points of action we propose the following:

  • Discuss the problem with your friends, acquaintances, colleagues at work, in the church, in an organisation or in your sports team.
  • Write personally to the local or national press expressing you point of view and requesting alternatives, transparency, participation and neutrality in respect of Patuca II.
  • Write personally to your regional member of parliament, expressing your interest and requesting that he raise the matter in Congress.
  • Write personally to the President of the Republic, to the President of the National Congress, or to the Minister for Natural Resources and the Environment, asking for reassurance that the laws of Honduras will be totally respected, that the environmentally least harmful alternatives will be investigated in detail, and that the presence of the indigenous people in the area of the project will be respected.

- Excelentísimo Presidente de la República

    Ing. Carlos Flores Facusse
    Blv. Juan Pablo II
    Tegucigalpa MDC
    Honduras, CA
    Fax (504) 235 6949

- Honorable Presidente del Congreso Nacional

Prof. Rafael Pineda Ponce
Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Plaza La Merced
Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras, CA

- Honorable Ministro de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente

Ing. Elvin Santos
Apartado Postal 1389
Tegucigalpa MDC
Honduras, CA
Fax (504) 232 1828 Tel (504) 232 1861

Please send a copy of your letter(s) to:one or both ot the following:

Coordinadora Nacional Ambientalista CNA, Apdo. postal 440, Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras, Tel 237 3899, Fax 238 1305, Email

and/ or

MOPAWI, Apdo 2175, Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras, CA; Fax (504) 235 8659, Email



1.AFE-COHDEFOR/ SECPLAN/ RN / PROFOR: Plan de acción Forestal PLANFOR 1996 – 2015. Tegucigalpa, 1996.

2.ARCHAGA, MARINEROS: Honduras: Dentro del contexto del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano. CAD / AFE-COHDEFOR / PNUD / GEF, Tegucigalpa, 1996.

3. : La Mosquitia, Honduras. Resources and development potential. Vol I – III. Overseas Development Administration, Surbiton, Surrey (England), 1981.

4. CARDENAS: Evitando el colapso: hacia una politica de sostenibilidad energetica – elementos para un debate nacional. FUMANITAS / WWF, Tegucigalpa 1998.

5. HARZA – BIOCONSULT: Plan de Estudio de la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental – Proyecto Patuca II, Tegucigalpa, Marzo 1998.

6.HARZA: Presentacion de Kevin Candee y Robert Murdock en el foro del Coordinadora Nacional ambiental CNA sobre Patuca II, 9 de Junio de 1998.

7. HERLIHY, LEAKE: Situacion actual del frente de colonizacion / deforestación en la region propuesta para el Parque Nacional Patuca. MOPAWI, Ministeriop de Defensa Proyecto PLAPAWANS, Tegucigalpa, 1992.

8. HUNT LC, SALGADO, C Y THORPE A: Energy Policy in Honduras. Borrador Preliminar. University of Portsmouth (Inglaterra) y Central Bank of Honduras, Portsmouth 1998.

9. LEAKE: Reserva Tawahka y Parque Nacional Patuca: Estrategia de Conservacion y Desarrollo. MOPAWI, Tegucigalpa, 1992.

10. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores DANIDA: Infrome de Valoracion " Proyecto Binaciopnal de Conservacion y desarrollo de als areas protegidas del Río Coco. Managua Nicaragua, 1993.

11. NASH: Aword of advice – Hydropower project risk components. EN: Water Power & Dam Construction, p 40-41, January 1998, Wilmington Business Publication, Dartfort (Inglaterra).

12. PATUCA RIVER CAMPAIGN: Internet, 1998,

13. PNUD – AFE-COHDEFOR: Biodiversity in Priority Areas Project (GEF). English Language Draft, Naciones Unidadas, Tegucigalpa, 1997.

14. PROYECTO GAUREE / ENEE: Folleto de Informes generales y especiales sobre alternativas para producir y ahorrar energía eléctrica. Tegucigalpa, 1998.

15. RAFAEL DEL CID: Tierra de nadie o riqueza de todos? El Corredor Biológico y el avance del frente de colonizacion. FUMANITAS / WWF, Tegucigalpa 1998.

16. RAFAEL DEL CID, WALKER, CARDENAS, SUAZO, NEBEL, MARTELL: Fortaleciendo las perspectivas para el desarrollo sostenible de America Central: caso Honduras. FUMANITAS / WWF, Tegucigalpa 1998.

17. SECRETARIA DE RECURSOS NATURALES Y AMBIENTE (SERNA): Anteproyecto de Decreto para declarar como areas protegidas la Reserva Biosfera Tahwaka y el Parque Nacioanl Patuca. Tegucigalpa, 1998.

18. MINISTERIO PUBLICO – Fiscalia del Medio Ambiente: Informe preliminar sobre la situacion legal de la represa hidroelectrica Patuca II.


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