Greetings And Welcome To Our Homepage....
John and I met in the Yahoo's Support and Recovery chat room in September 1997. John is a recovering alcoholic and was in the room to give and receive support. My best friend and my brother both died in 1996. I went to the S&R room for support in grief issues. I met John on my first visit there. We met, we gave each other support, and we became close friends.
I helped John with his 5th step in the AA 12th step program. It was such an emotional and spirtual experience for the both of us we decided to make a homepage together.
John and I would like to dedicate our homepage to all the clean and sober alcoholics and drug addicts in the world and for those who are seeking what we have found.

John has been sober since March 8,1996

Well John and I got to meet in person on March 6, 1999. It was wonderful to see him at last. I went home to Louisiana to visit my family and he and his girlfriend met me there from Friday till Monday.
We were together the whole time and did a lot of fun things. John was just the same as he is on-line and I knew he would be. It was like meeting a family member and not a stranger. We are family now. My cousins adopted him...LOL...
What a beautiful time we had together and plan on meeting again and again. How blessed I was to meet this man and blessed even more to meet him in person. God has been good to John and I. Our friendship grows even deeper.
Now we get to put pictures of us together on our page. Ask me if I'm smiling from ear to ear....YEP!!!.....
Aug.29, 2003
Just an up date on John and I.
So many things have happen to us in the years we have known each other. A lot of changes. Kids growing up and leaving home, kids fixing to get out of school, moves from one town to another, job changes, one of us fixing to become a Grandparent, that's would be Lucy...hehehe...meeting in person again, and on and on. One thing that never changed is our friendship. We speak on the phone every two weeks and catch up on what is happening in our world.
Don't ever let anyone tell you that friends you make on the internet are not real and will not last. John and I are here to tell you that friendship is not built on where two people meet but how their hearts meet. :)
Feb. 18, 2008 Update on John and Lucy.
Still friends after all this time. Still visit when we can. Still talk on the phone often. Still laugh and cry together...well Lucy does the crying....hahaha....John is still hard headed..well that's what Lucy says.
I now have 4 grandkids who are such a joy. I will be going to Alabama in the fall for John's daughter's wedding. I can hardly wait to be there to share this special day with John and his little girl. Can't wait to see John be a Grandpaw.
We are still friends, still love each other and still taking it "One Day At A Time". Does it seem to ya'll that the older you get the faster those days role in? Maybe it's just me...hehehe
I thank God for my friendship with John. He is a blessing to me in that I know when push comes to shoove he will be there for me and he knows the same thing goes for me to him. It's not the amount of time you spend with someone that makes you a true friend it's what you do in the times you are together that makes it true. Does that make any sense? Sounds good in my head...LOL

Till next time............ Count It All Good

John and I would like to thank Onetenderheart for the banner she made for our site. She is our special friend we met in the S&R room. She is a sweetheart and we love her dearly. Thanks Tu Girl for this wonderful gift you gave us !!! :)
A Day At A Time

I don't wish to know tomorrow,
For the trails of today,
Are enough to keep me busy,
Here on life's pathway.

God in all of His wisdom
Could so easily see,
One day at a time,
Was enough for me.

No need to be anxious,
For what the future holds,
God must prepare you,
As each day unfolds.

So Lord, I trust you,
The future is all Thine,
Just help me to live,
One Day At A Time

Dottlee Duggan Reid

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