My name is Lady Mairwen verch Cerridwen, and I'm the keeper of this grove.

Welcome to my little corner of cyberspace! I am undertaking some MAJOR's going to be less a personal page and more about the clothes I design, make, and sell. There will still be some "me", though, so don't worry. :-)

The weather where I am....

The WeatherPixie

Update Page!Check here first!

Quite Contrary

Pictures--new ones as of Dec 2003

My life in the SCA

Pagan/Wiccan Things

Goth Stuff


Recycling and Conservation

Links to some old friends

Rings and Awards

Can You Imagine?

On Being A Subculture Mom

My LiveJournal

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There is an E-list, started by a friend and I. Here's the description from the group home page...

:::Magical Moonsites is a group dedicated to the forging of friendships and sharing of information, experiences and ideas within the worldwide Pagan community. As a group, we are dedicated to the sharing of truthful information from all paths of Paganism and Wicca, as well as squashing rumour and misinformation wherever it may rear it's ugly head. Wiccans and Pagans from all walks of life are welcome to join, share their ideas, and help us further our goal of a worldwide Pagan community, united in perfect love and perfect trust.:::

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Blessed Be!