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   Summary of Qualifications                    Education                               Experience                 

   Representative projects                         Computer Skills                     References

  Santosh S. Patil   MS PE

·         Extensively involved in the design and analysis of structural systems.

·         Well versed with computer aided geometric modeling techniques, and use of finite element software’s for structural / stress analysis.

·         Involved in preparation of pro-service / manpower estimates and in preparation of proposal for bid packages.

1991–1993                  Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI

·         Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics.

1986–1990                  Karnatak University, Belgaum, India

·         Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering

PE                                                                                               FLORIDA

1993–Present                Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.   Lakeland, FL

Structural Engineer

·         Responsible for development of design drawings for heavy industrial complexes and commercial facilities. This included calculations, estimating, material and subcontract specifications, quality assurances, and shop drawing review of connections, etc.

·         Industrial complexes included phosphoric acid, beneficiation, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, semiconductor complex, petrochemical, pulp & paper plants. This included static and dynamic analysis of certain structures.

·         Commercial facilities included office and administrative buildings, apartment complex, theme parks etc. Construction consisted of structural steel, cold-formed shapes, and masonry walls with reinforced concrete footings.

·         Interface with construction was provided at industrial job sites.

·         Design drawings were developed using AutoCAD computer drafting systems. Analysis was performed using conventional had methods and computer programs.

·         Steel structures design and analysis include multi-level structures and towers, control houses, piperacks, conveyor galleries, compartment hoppers, bins, crane runway systems, theme park support structures.

·         Concrete structures include building, reactors, stack and large equipment foundations such as large mats, spread footings, ring walls, retaining walls, containment basins, sumps and trenches.

·         Also design of aluminum structures and FRP stack.

·         Structural design in Seismic Zone 3 as well as in regions with wind velocity exceeding 140mph.

·         Developing layouts, plans, design criteria and specifications.  Prepare estimates and reports.

·          Assisted in preparing proservice and manpower estimates. Including proposal for bid packages.

Representative Project Assignments Include:

·         Sterling Pulp Chemicals, Sodium Chlorate Plant, Musewellbrook, NSW, Australia.

·         IMCA, Reactor Modification, South Pierce, FL

·         INTEL, Semiconductor Complex, Rio Rancho, AZ

·         FMC, Pure Phosphoric Acid Plant, Soda Springs, Idaho

·         Shell Chemical Company, Tank modifications, Lakeland, FL

·         Tampa Electric Co, Brine Project, Tampa, FL

·         Oswal Fertilizer, Reactor Tank Design, Paradip, India.

·         I.D.D.S, Pharmaceutical Pilot Plant, Miramar, FL

·         PCS, Phosphate, Attack tank modifications, Lee Creek, N.C

·         Universal City Development Project, Universal Studio, Orlando, FL

·         Kimberly Clark, Pulper No. 13 installation, Chester, Pennsylvania.

·         Lucent Technology, Packaging Facility, Atlanta, GA.

·         I.M.C Agrico, Multifos plant, New Wales, Florida.

·         PABCO, Gypsum Board plant expansion, Las Vegas, NV.

·         PFC, Naproxen Bahamas Project, Bahamas

·         Kennedy Space Center, Support Structure for Booster rocket, Cape, FL

·         Westvaco, Wastewater Pretreatment Building, Wickliffe, Kentucky

·         USAC, Powder MAP Plant, Fort Meade, Florida.

·         As-Built drawing for LaRoche Industries, Ammonium Nitrate Storage and handling, Cherokee, Alabama.

·         Sterling Pulp Chemicals, Ltd. Sodium Chlorate Plant, Valdosta, GA

·         Coca-Cola Foods, Floor Vibration Study, Dunedin, Florida.

·         The Ledger Newspaper Printing and Administration Facility, FL

·         Coca-Cola Foods, Building Renovation, Auburndale, Florida.

·         Building expansion at Anchor Glass, Coors Bottling Plant, Denver

·         Allied Signal, Dust Collection Bldg., Hopewell, Virginia.

·         CFII, Rock Beneficiation Plant, Hardee County, Florida.


1991–1993                  Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI

Graduate Research Assistant

·         Master’s Thesis. “ Fracture Initiation Characteristic of Scaphoid Waist Fractures” – Developed software to generate and discretize Planar Scaphoid bone model. Performed stress analysis using FEA.

·         Grader: Counseled and evaluated undergraduate students in Mechanics of Materials.


1989–1991                                    Santraj Construction,Belgaum, India

Site Engineer

·         Responsibilities included implementing proper co-ordination of various trades, planning and monitoring of construction projects, reviewing specifications and drawings. Maintain site cost reports and monitor real time financial analyses. Also involved in design of complete form system.

·         Indian Aluminum Company, Smelter Expansion Plant, Belgaum, India.

·         Chitrakoot Apartments, multi-story complex, Belgaum, India.

Operating System & Software.

·         PC’s w/ Windows & Mac. SUN Workstations, Alliant FX-2800.

·         Mathcad, Excel etc – Quantitative analysis tools

·         STAAD III, Stardyne, IDEAS, ABAQUS, RISA – Finite E. Analysis.

·         PCA Mats, columns, beams design program tools & RAMSTEEL

·         Programming languages – FORTRAN, C

·         MS Project, Word, Framemaker – Management & word processing

·         AutoCAD drafting systems.

Available upon request.