Highlander- The Series

kizmet's korner of the web- Highlander

There are many television series and shows that I like, but only one that I am really hooked on.

That is HIGHLANDER- The Series. I dicovered Highlander while channel surfing one summer night. It happened to be during season 4 repeats and the episode was 'Leader of the Pack'. I watched the episode and the rest, as they say, is history!

Since I have become involved in Highlander and some of its sites on the internet, I have become a member of the DOBC, Clan MacParody and Clan MacFru2. These memberships are in addition to the jobs described on my Adrian Paul pages and Joe's gallery page.

The series finished this year (1998), to much discussion and many tears. The love of the show will keep the characters forever Immortal in our hearts and in our imaginations.


There Can Be Only One

May it be- Duncan MacLeod

(Hey, so I'm prejudiced as to my favorite character! Guess you know who will be the focus of a lot of the pictures!)

The links below will take you to my favorite pictures from the series, to some fun writings by myself and others, and to other links connected to the show.




Links to other pages

If you interested in the fan clubs of the actors and actresses of the show, please follow the links provided on their picture page.

Here a link to those I don't have pictures for.

Fan Clubs for Others
