Giganteum & 'Drumsticks'
Botanical name: Allium.giganteum, A.sphaerocephalum 'Drumstick' & A.'Gladiator'
Plant/bulb type: True bulb
- Giganteum 1-1.2m & Gladiator: 60cm
- Drumsticks: 75-90cm tall.
Planting time: late Summer to late Autumn.
Depth & spacing:
- Giganteum & Gladiator: 15-20cm apart.
- Drumsticks: 10cm apart. The holes should be twice as deep as the bulbs are tall.
Aspect: Full sun
Soil: Well drained.
Watering: Start watering when growth appears and keep soil slightly moist until foliage dies off after flowering. keep dormant bulbs dry.
Fertilising: Incorporate fertiliser into soil prior to planting & top dress each Autumn.
Flowering time: Early Summer.
After flowering care: Keep watering until foliage dies back. Leave the bulbs undisturbed, they will flower each year.