
Botanical name: Anemone
Family: Ranunculaceae
Plant/bulb type: Corm
Height: 30cm (1ft)
Planting time: Autumn until early May.
Depth & spacing: 5cm deep. 10-15cm apart.
Aspect: Full sun to light shade. Will tolerate more shade in warmer climates.
Soil: Well draining, fairly rich.
Watering: Water once growth appears & keep soil moist until foliage yellows in late Spring.
Fertiliser: Dig fertiliser into soil a week or longer before planting or apply to top of soil after planting and water in. These bulbs are very free flowering and so require generous amounts of fertiliser.
Flowering time: Late Winter until early or mid Spring.
After flowering care: You can leave these easy-care bulbs or dig them once the foliage has died back. If you do this, store them somewhere cool and dry over Summer & replant in Autumn. These corms naturally degenerate over time and should be replaced every 2nd or 3rd year.
Comments: These are great bulbs. Low care and free flowering with each corm producing numerous cheerful flowers. Well worth planting in any garden for loads of carefree colour. Also great in vases.