Family: Ranunculaceae
Plant type: Herbaceous perennials.
Size: Approx. 2.5m tall.
Ideal planting time: Winter
Planting: Plant with the crown level with the soil surface.
Aspect: Ideally, provide a cool root run (eg: under a bush or well mulched) & allow the top to flower in the sun.
Soil: Rich, well draining.
Watering: Keep soil moist.
Fertilising: General purpose fertiliser
Flowering time:
- Broughton Star: Spring to Summer.
- Lansdowne Gem: Autumn-Winter
- General Sikorski, Hagley Hybrid and Henryi flush in Spring &
Autumn and spot flower for the remaining warmer months.
Pruning required:
- Broughton Star, General Sikorski, Hagley Hybrid and Henryi should
be trimmed to shape in Winter.
- Landsdowne Gem should be cut hard to within 1m of the ground Winter.