Cuban Lily
Botanical name: Scilla peruviana
Family: Liliaceae
Plant/bulb type: Bulb
Planting time: Late Summer to Autumn
Height: 30-40cm (taller in the shade)
Depth & spacing: Plant with neck of the bulb at the soil surface and 12-20cm apart.
Aspect: Full sun to part shade.
Soil: Well drained. Generally not fussy.
Watering: Start watering when growth appears and keep soil slightly moist until foliage dies back after flowering.
Fertilising: Top dress with a complete fertiliser each Autumn. Eg: Blood & Bone.
Flowering time: Early Summer.
After flowering care: Leave these bulbs in the ground until you wish to move or divide them.
Tolerances: Protect from very heavy frosts although is mostly tolerant (the foliage may burn a little but the flowers will be okay.)
Comments: The foliage of this bulb may never completely die back but it will go a little yellow over Summer. This can be disguised by inter-planting these bulbs with Summer perennials.