
Family: Ranunculaceae
Native to: North America, China, Tibet, North Africa
Bloom season and length: Summer to Autumn .
Colour: Pastel range.
Height: 90-200cm (3-6')
Planting time: Late Autumn and Winter, ideally after heavy rain.
Preferred position: Open, sunny; needing protection from strong winds
Soil: Moist, friable loam. Very Acidic soils need liming otherwise old chicken manure is an advantage, (dug in well before planting); failing that other animal manure or compost with blood and bone dressing. They respond to a really fertile soil.
Depth & spacing: Crowns at soil level, 20-30cm apart; its important to put in strong, tall stakes at this stage.
Watering: Keep moist. Water well in growing season and again after the first blooming to encourage the second.
Fertilizer: After growth begins and then a top-dressing of complete fertilizer when the plants are 15-25cm tall. Annually a top dressing of leaf mould and blood and bone is productive.
Pests, diseases: Hardy and generally disease free plants but may attract snails, slugs with their first shoots. Blackspot mildew and rust are easily controlled with a Bordeaux fungicide spray.
Cutting: Handsome cut flowers, lasting well. After the first blooming cut back the spent flowers and leaves to promote a second flowering
Propagation: Division, cuttings, seeds. Divide clumps every two or three years to maintain the vigour of the stocks, either immediately after flowering or when growth begins in spring, replanting straight away. 1