Sword Lily
Family: Iridaceae.
Native to: Tropical and South Africa mainly; Europe, Mediterranean,
Near East.
Bulb type: Corm.
Bloom season and length: Spring to Summer; flowers last up to three
Colours: All colours - White, greens, pinks, lavender, purple, blue,
yellow, red, orange, bi-colours and multi-coloured.
Height: Miniatures - to 1m tall; taller to 2m.
Planting time: July to December, after frosts; best done
successively to ensure continuos flowering. (They generally flower 90 to 120
days after planting, the warmer the weather, the shorter the time).
Soil: Almost any well drained soil; light sandy is best; add peat,
dolomite or compost to heavy soil; work in well-rotted animal manure, bone meal
or blood and bone, with potash, in the earlier digging-over.
Position: Open, sunny; protection needed from strong winds.
Planting depth and spacing: The general rule is four times the size
of corm for depth - say 8-10 cm (and deeper in sandy soil) and 8-12 cm apart.
It helps to stake the taller varieties.
Watering: Amply during the growing season; ease off after flowering.
Fertiliser: If soil is not prepared in advance provide a side
dressing of complete fertiliser when flower stalks form, but do not let it touch
the plants and water in immediately after raking it lightly in.
Pests and diseases: Thrip - recognised by streaking or mottling on
leaves and flower bud not opening. Mostly occurs in hot, dry weather. It is a
common but easy to control problem. Either spray with a pesticide or prevent
the problem by dipping corms in a solution of Lysol (one part Lysol to 200 parts
water) an hour before planting.
Cutting: Wonderful cut flowers; leaving as much foliage as possible
to make sure of a good blooming next year.
Propagation: Cormlets separated and planted out away from the parent
corm. Its important to clean off dry outer scales and any old stem material
from the corms. Corms the size of a 5c piece will easily flower in a well
prepared soil.
Storage: Lift when foliage begins to yellow, usually four weeks
after flowering. Cut the top to within 5-6cm above the corm. Dry thoroughly
before storing in cool, dry and airy spot. It is a good idea to dust with
insecticide and store in loose bags. Any thrip must be dealt with before
storing the corms.
Gladioli suit a whole range of conditions occurring in Australia, doing
especially well in Queensland.