Family: Liliaceae
Plant/bulb type: True bulb
Planting time: Late Summer to Autumn
Height: 20cm
Depth & spacing: 12-15cm deep and 10-15cm apart.
Aspect: Full sun to half shade. The warmer the climate, the more shade they
will tolerate (& vice-versa).
Soil: Well drained.
Watering: Start watering when growth appears and keep soil slightly moist until foliage dies off after flowering. It is ideal to keep bulbs relatively dry whilst dormant.
Fertilising: Generally heavy feeders. Top dress with a complete fertiliser
each Autumn. Eg: Blood & Bone.
Do not mix fertiliser (especially fresh manure) into soil when planting otherwise
the young roots may burn. Either mix fertiliser into soil a couple of weeks in
advance or top dress after planting and water in.
Flowering time: Late Winter to Spring.
After flowering care: These bulbs can be left in the soil or dug after the foliage has died back. Dug bulbs should be kept somewhere cool & dry until planting in Autumn.
Tolerances: These easy to grow bulbs will thrive in most climates.
Comments: Hyacinths are excellent for potting. They can be brought inside
for short periods and their fragrance will gently fill the home. They're also
wonderful in vases.