Perennial Nasturtiums
Botanical name: Tropaeolum majus
Family Tropaeolaceae
Plant type: Evergreen ground cover
Size: 20cm tall and spreading to approximately 50-60cm wide clumps.
Flowers: Spring to Autumn.
Planting time: Any time of the year.
Planting depth and Spacing: Plant with crown at soil surface (or to the same depth as it was in the pot) & approximately 60cm apart.
Soil: Well drained, poor or rich. However, in very rich soils, excess foliage is produced instead of flowers.
Aspect: Full sun.
Preferred Climates: Tropical to cool
Drought tolerance: Has excellent heat and drought tolerance.
Frost tolerance: Will be damaged by severe frosts but not killed.
Watering: Water well when growing.
Fertiliser: A general fertiliser.
Climatic Tolerances: Cool to tropical.