Water Lilies
Botanical name: Nymphaea
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Bulb type: Tuber
Flowering time: Late Spring to early Autumn.
Planting time: Plant (and re-pot) in late Winter to Spring.
Preferred position: Full sun
Climate: Cool to Sub Tropical
Planting depth: These plants need to have at least 30-45cm of water above
them. Note: The tuber should be planted horizontally.
Soil: Plant in a sandy soil at the bottom of the pond, covering the horizontal tuber with only an inch or two of soil. A light layer of sand will stop the soil from floating away.
Frost: Hardy.
Potting: Water lilies can be potted in pots 20cm (8") across or larger. They should be re-potted every 3 -4 years
Fertiliser: At planting (& re-potting) feed well with old cow manure.
Comments: Gold fish will quite happily swim amongst water lily plants.