Finished 11-5 and in 3rd Place!

Finished Second defeated byt the Traitors

 80 balls 
158 bill at Huether vs Elora
136 bill at Huether vs UofG
129 bill at Heuther vs CA
118 bill at Heuther vs NF2 Feb 6
163 bill at Heutehr vs NF4 Feb 12
132 bill at Heuther vs NF1 Feb 27
150 bill at Heuther vs SC  March 11
130 bill at Heuther vs NF3 March 25
 45 bill semi finals vs NF3  meal + squash ball

 90 Elora at home (10 JvL)
100 NF2
    NF4 rescheduled
 90 UG  (10 JvL)
100 NF1
 90 CA (10 LB)
100 Straford
 75 NF4
 70 NF3 10 Joey
 55 NF2 10 Joey, 15 Dvl, TR, LB
 80 NF4 0 Joey, 20 Dave, 20, Terry, 20 Paul, 20 Dan G
 65 UG 10 Terry, 10 Dave, 15 Lyndon, 15 Akshay 15 Dan
 80 NF1 20 Joey (10 for NF4), 15 Paul, Terry, Dave, Dan
 75 CA  15, Dan, Dave, Terry, Erwin, Igor
 75 SC  15 Dan, Terry, Paul, Jerry, Lyndon
 75 EL  15 Dan, Dan, Dave, Lyndon, Paul
 75 NF3 15 Dan, Dan, Dave, Joey, Terry

GO wins over Elora 3-2
1)Chris wichers  Joey Van Loon   3-1  Elora
2)shaman Seth    Dan Van Leeuwen 3-2 Elora
3)Joel Masewich  Dave Fishburn   1-3  GO
4)Ed Mitukiewicz Paul Ingram     1-3 GO
5)Phil Prince    Lyndon Bell     0-3  GO
NF2 3 – Goodlife 2
1) Al Farquahr (3) over Joey Van Loon (0) 
2) Chico Silvestri (3) over Dan van Leewen (2)
3) Miranda Ranieri (2) lost to Terry Runstedler (3) 
4) Mike Ranieri (3) over David Fishburn (0) 
5) Tony Beiler (2) lost to Lyndon Bell (3)

U of G: 2    Goodlife : 3   
Uof G       Goodlife            score
Alex        beat        Joey        3-0
Marco       beat        Terry       3-0
Steve       lost to     Dan         0-3
Paul        lost to     Lyndon      1-3
Chris       lost to     Dave        0-3 

NF1  defeats Goodlife 3 - 2
Brad Jones     3          Joey Van Loon               0
Randy Montag   3          Dan Van Leeuwen             1
Pierre Lapalme 0          Terry Runstedler            3
Trevor Bechtel 3          Paul Ingram                 0
Bill Muirhead  1          Dave Fishburn               3

GO vs CA   GO won 4 - 1
Terry vs Afsar  CA 3 - 1
Dan   vs Russ  GO 3 - 0
Paul  vs Tim     GO 3 - 1
Lyndon vs Les GO 3 - 0
Dave vs Sam  GO 3 - 1

GO vs SC GO won 4 - 1
Dan vs Jeff GO 3 - 2
Terry vs John Bell GO 3 - 2
Lyndon vs Steve Funk SC 3 - 2
Paul vs new guy who didn't call lets GO 3 - 2
David vs Paul GO 3 - 2

GO vs NF4   NF4 won 3 - 2
Dan vs Ian NF4 3 - 0
Terry vs Touch NF4 3 - 2 Terry came back from 0 - 2 to make it go 5 but touch came on strong in the 5th after Terry was up 7 - 1
Lyndon vs O  NF4 3 - 0
Daniel G vs Meat GO 3 - 0  
Paul vs Dave Mcbride GO  3 - 0  Paul played through the pain and put on a show with some great shots

GO vs NF3   GO won 3 - 2
Joey vs Dan NF4 3 - 0  Great rallies.  It was looking like Joey was not going to beat the 4 point bet early on but ended up with at least 8 points.
Dan vs Rob Krug GO 3 - 1 
Terry vs Egan NF3 3 - 1
Dave vs Marvin GO 3 - 2  Dave rallied back after being down 0 - 2
Lyndon vs Gord GO  3 - 0  The tall lanky Aussie mowed down his opponent.

GO vs NF2 NF2 won 3 - 2
Joey vs Chico  GO 3 - 2 Joey played great!!!
Terry vs Miranda NF2 3 - 2 Miranda was looking for a little revenge and got it!
Dan  vs Mike     GO 3 - 1
Lyndon vs Al NF2 3-1
Akshay Nanduri  vs Tony  NF2 3 - 0 This was Akshay's first B match!

GO beat NF4 3-2
Ian R. beat Joey. 3-1
Paul O. beat Daniel Gelinas 3-2
Pat R. lost to Terry R. 3-2
Dave M. lost to Ingy 3-0
Rich D. lost to Dave F. 3-1

GO bageled UofG 5 - 0
Lucky for us UofG was missing Alex and Marco
Dan V. beat Steve K.  3-0 GO
Dave F. beat Paul B.   3-1 GO
Terry R. beat Bo W.   3-1 GO
Lyndon B. beat Ray D.  3-0 GO
Akshay N. beat Dave S. 3-0 GO

GO defeated NF 1 4 - 1 and is well on their way to postseason action
Brad J. vs. Joey V.  3-0 NF1
Pierre L.  vs Dan V.  0-3 GO
Trevor B.  vs Terry R. 1-3 GO
Dave M.  vs Dave F. 2-3 GO
Andy T.  vs Paul I. 0-3 GO

GO gets it done at 1, 2, 3 vs CA!!!
Dan V beat Afsar 3-0 (injury)
Terry R beat Bob N. 3-1
Dave F beat Kenny S. 3-2
Erwin Brko lost to Les B. 1-3
Igor Benko lost to Sam. 0-3

GO bagels SC 
Dan beat Jeff R  3 - 1
Terry beat Steve 3 - 2
Lyndon beat Prout 3 - 1
Paul beat Paul W 3 - 1 (Paul W injured his wrist)
Jerry beat Roy 3 - 1

GO defeats Elora 4 - 1
Dan v		beat 	Chris W  3 - 1
Dan G		lost to	Shaman 1 - 3
David F		beat 	Joel 3 - 0
Lyndon B	beat 	Tom 3 - 2
Paul I		beat  	Ed 3 - 1 

Downed by NF3, finish the season with a 11 - 5 record and third place
Dan S beat Joey V 3-0
Omar beat Dan G 3-2
Rob K beat Dan V 3-2
Egon B beat Terry R 3-1
Gord H lost to Dave F 1-3

GO Eliminates NF3 in the Semis 3 - 2

Omar beat Dan V 3-0  (Omar won 9-3, 9-3, 9-5)
Rob K lost to Terry R 3-1 (Terry played great and kept playing Rob's backhand)
Egon B beat Dave F 3-2 (Tight match)
Marvin  lost to Lyndon Bell 3-1 (there was lots of heavy hittin going on!)
default lost to Paul Ingram 3 - 0 (It was not clear if Danny S was qualified or not so they decided to not play him and did not have a fifth player)

GO defeated by NF4 in the finals 3 - 2

Dan lost to Joe Allen 3 - 1
Terry lost to Paul O 3 - 2
Daniel G lost to Pat R 3 - 0
Lyndon beat Dino C 3 - 0 Dino injured himself in the last couple points of the first game
Paul beat Dave M 3 - 1

It is tough to come so close and to lose. I am finding the loss this year much tougher than last year when we lost to Elora in the semis, I think in part because we lost three close matches that could have gone either way. On the plus side, the guys on NF4 have a lot of heart and are very excited to have the cup. I ran into Pat and O yesterday as myself and Lisa were inline skating and their kids were pretending to drink out of the cup :-) I just wanted to thank every one on the team and for the folks that did come out and watch the finals on Saturday. Here are a few highlights that stick out in my mind from the great year that we had. David Fishburn had another great season only losing twice during the regular season
Terry Runstedler had some huge victories, defeating Miranda, Bob Nigel and Rob Krug in the semis
Lyndon had a great year and had a great comeback against Tom Broderick in Elora. We will miss you Lyndon, best of luck down under!
Paul Ingram had a great season with some good wins against Steve Prout of Elora and victory over David McBride in the finals. He also battled back from a mid season injury.
Joey had it tough playing in the one spot but had a great victory over Chico and hung in tough against Danny
Daniel G also played in some pretty tough matches at number two and helped us finish the season strong
Thanks to Akshay, Erwin, Jerry, and Igor for helping to fill in our roster when needed