Scroll down for an alphabetical listing of the native trees, shrubs and vines of North America.

Click on the name for an image, description, some historical data, ethnobotany and folklore of each plant.



Alder l Alpine Fir l Amabilis Fir l American Yew l Annedda l Apple l Arbor Vitae l Arizona Fir l Arrowwood l Ash l Aspen l Balsam l Balsam Fir l Basswood l Bauhinia l Bayberry l Bearberry l Beech l Birch l Bittersweet l Black Haw l Black Spruce l Blueberry l Box Elder l Buckeye, Ohio l Butternut l Buttonbush l Canada Balsam l Cascades Fir l Castor Aralia l Catalpa l Cedar l Chestnut l Cherry l Chinaberry l Chokeberry l Clematis l Corkbark Fir l Cottonwood l Cranberry, High Bush l Creeping Cedar Savin l Currant l Cypress l


Dogwood l Dovetree l Elder l Elm l Eastern Hemlock | Eastern White Pine | Gale l Gooseberry l Ground Hemlock l Hardhack l Haw, Black l Hawthorn l Hazel l Hazelnut l Hemlock l Hickory l Hobble bush l Holly l Honeysuckle l Hoo'oxs (Gitxsan) | Hop Hornbeam l Horse Chestnut l Huckleberry l Ironwood l Jack Pine | Juneberry l Juniper


Labrador tea l Lambkill l Larch l Larch Tamarack | Laurel l Leatherwood l Lovely Fir | Magnolia l Maple l Meadow sweet l Mountain Ash l Myrtle l Nannyberry l Ninebark l Northern Pine | Oak l Pacific Silver Fir | Pin Blanc | Pine l Pino Real Blanco | Poplar


Red Cedar | Red Fir | Red Pine | Red Silver Fir | Red Spruce |Redbud l Redwood l Rocky Mountain Fir | Rose l Rowan l Sassafras l Savin l Serviceberry l Shadbush l Sheep Laurel l Silver Fir | Soft Pine | Spiraea l Spruce l Squashberry l Subalpine Fir | Sumac l Swamp Laurel l Sweet Gale Sycamore l Tacamahaca l Tamarack l Ts'o tsin (Wet'suwet'en) | Tulip Tree l Vinegar Tree l Vibernum l Virginia Creeper l Virgin's Bower l Walnut l Wax Myrtle l Western Balsam Fir | Weymouth Pine | White Balsam | White Cedar l White Fir | White Pine | White Walnut l White Spruce | Wild Crab Apple l Willow l Winterberry l Witch Hazel l Withe-rod l Woodbine l Yellowwood l


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