Indian Head
Indian Head is an old established town. This is reflected in the general appearance of the town. It is a prosperous, attractive and progressive community that is located in the heart of Saskatchewan's richest farming area. The first settlers moved into the district in 1882, a few months ahead of the Canadian Pacific Railway. In 1887 the Dominion Experimental farm was founded here as one of the original research stations in Canada and today is still doing research and giving valueable information to farmers. In 1902 the P.F.R.A. Tree Nursery was started and is still shipping out several million trees each year for farm shelterbelts in the three prairie provinces. Indian Head was incorporated as a town in 1902 and in that year the Canadian Journal published by James McAra noted that Indian Head was the largest point of initial shipment of wheat in the world. Indian Head has a population of approximately 1900. It is a modern and well-laid out town with about 800 homes. The town keeps progressing with a number of new homes being built each year and new businesses starting each year.
SASK 2002 Sampling Campaign protocol.
- Spectral characterization of cholorophyll, nitrogen and mositure content of wheat plants from Pedde and Delage farms. 
-Nitrogen and cholorophyll will be validated from SPAD measurements.
- Lab analysis of whole plant samples will only be done for nitrogen content.
- Leaf and stem samples moisture content will be vaildated separately by gravimetric measurements.
Indian Head, Saskatchewan. In 1990, farmers of Indian Head formed a group to become known as the Indian Head Research Foundation or IHARF. And its mandate :-
-To enhance the role of the Indian Head Research Farm in developing sustainable agriculture systems.
-To promote the adoption of these systems to the larger community through education, extension and awareness.
-To provide a structure to solicit and administer funds to meet these objectives
In-situ Spectral Measurments.
Indoor Spectral Measurements.
Sample collection procedure:-
-For each replicate, Standard sampling quadrat (0.5m x 0.5m).
-A digital photo.
-SPAD chlorophyll measurements. ( at least 30 SPAD measurements )
- Vegetation collection.
- record on a data sheet.
Anna, Martha, John and Dr. Abdou
Collection of Samples for different parameters.