Note: i'm against the non-respect of nature and animals but 'ave to consume these foodstuffs at the present time
Food i eat !
Legend: M=Menu unitM1 Paella (frozen or pre-packed), Salad, + Bread +Cheese, Desert eg: Apple Tartlets + Coca-Cola
M2 Pasta/cheese + sardines (protein)
M3 Hashed steaks (HS) + Chips
M4 Risotto
M5 McDo Cheeseburger Menu
M6 Pizza
M7 Chicken & chips
M8 Gratin Dauphinois + HS + Orange drink (squash)
+ Milk
+ multifruit multivitamin nectar (Joker/Casino/Auchan)
JPS, 20th May 2001, email: