Horseshoe crabs

John & Emelia's Blue Ocean

Long Island Horseshoe Crab Alert

Spawning begun during the New Moon of May. On May 15th & 16 1999, we viewed hundreds of animals in Shinnecock Bay from Quoque to Hamptons Bays. Water temp=12.5 deg.Cent., Salinity=29ppt.

Horseshoe Crabs are harvested for bait along the Atlantic shoreline from Long Island to Virigina. Some states are now taken action to study the impacts on the remaining stocks.

What can be done on Long Island to help maintain the stocks of this ancient, manificient animal? Call the NYSDEC Region 1 office of marine resources and protection to find out what plans are being developed. Call 516 444-0442

Unregulated harvesting on L.I. of horeshoe crabs for commercial bait can have the following impact:
  1. declines in spawning stocks of the horseshoe crabs.
  2. Changes in the migratory patterns of shorebirds that rely on the horeshoe crabs eggs for a food source.
  3. Loss of tourism from birderwatching.

      Some good sites for further information about horseshoes crabs