My name is Misty, and I enjoy working with a CASINO. I've gotten in with the Payroll department. I enjoy play 8-ball, but I rule the table with FOOZEBALL! Softball rules my summer events, along with the BBQ
Well, I've been working with Edgewater Casino (www.EdgewaterCasino.ca) since October 2004. The Casino's located at the Plaza of Nations (750 Pacific Boulevard South, Vancouver, on False Creek opposite the BC Place and GM Place). There's great Glass work inside the Casino and in the Reception area (Admin Building). They've got slot machines, poker, craps, roulette, and there's a bistro inside... I enjoy my job and enjoy all the people I work with! It's a great place to work, and I don't gamble so I don't want to go on the Casino floor!
Are you sure? You REALLY want to know about ME?!
Well, if you checked me out, check out some of my family!
Email about my work: mistyericka@mad.scientist.com
Wreck Beach, ever been there? I hear that things have changed over the past couple of years. The GVRD & local enforcement kind of took all the fun away. There's a web page, check it out: www.wreckbeach.org. It was the best beach in the day time and the evening. That's were I'd met a lot of my recent friends. (Yes, I will make it by this year!!!)

Softball, been playing on one league since 1994. It's a Vancouver-based, slow-pitch, mixed league, the Earth League. Originally, the league was a Fast-Pitch, Men's League, maybe 27 or so years ago. When I joined, we'd have a third-party team ump our games. Now, we've signed contracts with SPN (Slow Pitch National). We've always had our own "Earth League Constitution", and now we've got to Teach the new SPN Umps.

For the first year, I was a ringer (Thanks to Emma - elementary school buddy), then I became a member of the Earth League the following year. Then the captain of our original team ("Eldo Eh's") quit, as did the rest of the team. Craig gave the team to me, then I started from scratch. My sister eventually took over (just after we'd changed the name to the "RumRunners" - named after our one time Sponsor), then that was too much for her. Now my buddy / ex-roomy (Glen) took over with Marion who was a "Cruiser" player for many years [current name is now "Rough Diamonds"]. Now, we may have a new captain next year (Sean). This league always has new teams, loses teams, and old members join new teams.
Email about Wreck or Softball: mistyericka@mad.scientist.com
Email me: MineMistyMine@yahoo.com
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