African Herpetofaunal Biodiversity Programme

Updated 25 March 1996


The maintenance of present levels of biodiversity within this region depends on how well a number of essential requirements can be met. These requirements involve the following:

1) A consolidated inventory of the taxa present in the region, their distributions and survival requirements.

2) An assessment and inventory of current conservation areas.

3) An assessment and inventory of critical conservation sites (whether or not presently conserved) based on present distributions as well as the location of potentially important refuge areas in times of climatic extremes.

4) The monitoring of local and regional environmental change with particular attention to the areas identified under 2 & 3 above.

5) The preparation and implementation of prioritized action plans to ensure that threatened species and systems are afforded appropriate attention.

6) The inclusion and involvement of local communities in the management and maintenance of conservation areas and the training of their nominated representatives.

7) The assessment of the potential for sustainable utilisation and captive breeding of economically valuable species which could contribute to the economic development of local people while at the same time promoting the conservation of wild populations and their habitat.



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