rewritten 3/4/97
Gameshow Host
That inane toothpaste-perfect smile
(with no hint of dental improvement)
A well-worn gameshow Vaseline maw
which though like an arsehole
shits verbal diahorrea,
still manages to attract some.
The life of a gameshow isnt easy -
all that fawning over those youd
never be seen dead with,
(especially in their underwear)
while the some contestants
posessing extreme exuberance
attempt to strangle you to death
Oh, the joy of a new car. YES!!!
Never give the audience time to consider
what the consequences of this worship are
the repercussions of this hyperconsumption
that would be folly,
no, keep the production line moving,
and the bullshit flowing.
"A Consumer born every second"
You need these brand new products,
without them you die tomorrow
Life would end
without jetskis and jewellery
so just be glad that we supply
a chance to fulfil
the dreams that we create.