9/5/95 - 3/4/97
Run, Rat, Run
One foot in front of
the other, striding ahead
a smooth style,
flowing easily
pacing the streets, pushing hard
Against yourself, the clock, your heart,
lungs, the lactic acid buildup, you
catch your
breath as a
downhill stretch
greets you
Faces watch you as they steer,
walk slowly, sit eating multinational crap
full of fat, the fat you burn
you feel your body, alive,
learning the pleasures of inner peace
and transendence.
Unification of body and mind,
exhiliration as you near the end of
of the pain/pleasure.
Sweating, you jog,
walk, cool down, slowly
repaying the oxygen debt
until you make your next withdrawal
from the bank of activity.
you run your
own race, not the rat race