1/8/95 - 3/4/97
The Hand
The Invisible Hand guides us all,
it's the hand inside the suit that gestures
to The Market - its domain.
Dont shake it too hard,
your soul might be sucked dry.
The voices that serve The Hand tell us:
"no gloves are needed, they restrict
the circulation" (of your wealth flowing to us)
Dont listen, theyll kick, scratch and bite
into your flesh, dirty your air and wreck your backyard.
Dont take their word - "deregulate"
it's their dogma -
the laissez-faire lovers will delight
as they (the apparently fit) survive
as you (the unwealthy, the unpowerful) evaporate.
A puff of smoke reeking of Conscience
something that's not needed
in the world of THE HANDtm,
where merchandising and consumer confidence
fuel optimism for the necessary PROGRESS.
An eighteenth century idea in the twentieth century world
The Hand grips our throat and their dicks
urging us to uncaring insanity.
Disembodied, unemotional, 'economically rational'.
Its time we finally got off the growth hormone and rejected
the fairy story of THE HAND.