An Internal Debate on IQ

    its a curse
    not the blessing that
    they told me it was

    good to be smart
    to reel off words
    to reel off numbers -
    the parrot was well versed

    then came intelligence, something different

    the questioning of elders
    the embrace of learning
    for oneself, for others
    you've done their work
    for little rewards of acceptance
    now the rebellion begins inside

    At your Year 12 graduation
    what did they think?
    when some long-haired lout
    stepped forward for the prize
    in black jeans and sneakers?

    intelligence means you tread
    on toes
    stand on unpopular shoulders
    while they struggle to shepherd you
    into a nice shiny profession

    they hope you can be the gleaming example
    to impressionable minds
    money is knowledge is intelligence

    the door was open
    but the squeeze was too narrow
    I couldn’t breathe underneath
    a sea of sadness and suffocation
    the only option, drowned in unconscience

    thinking is a burden
    ambivalent in its rewards
    for some money is the harvest
    others get the pain it awards
    failing to tread the narrow
    channel of white picket fences

    and the stakeholders in normalcy
    seek to herd us away from insight
    and toward mental innocence

    real intelligence - its not common sense

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