Another days speculation and what do ya get?

So the Dow is going down, eh?
just like my wages
   the real ones that is

When New York speaks
my boss listens and tells me
Its time for responsibility
and all the while, the dole queue is waiting
as my fortunes hit rock bottom
and we get told "tighten your belts"
as we head for another
market downturn
that's all set to restructure me
and downsize my soul

The 1997 version of earlier fairs
all with their rollercoasters,
swings and roundabouts,
coloured coats and trading
in the future(?)

Nikkei, Times, Hang Sen
they’re all derivative of each other
A mathematics of the horse race of misery
where there is no each way bet
when market analysts predict -
with greater clarity than the weather -
You can expect to be poorer this year

your cries will be muffled by
the din of self-deception, towering
like the monuments to the buck
your complaints passed on to dirtier worlds

Soft hands will go to work
finding food for every mouth
love to pass around to all and
justice to bestow.

and how can I care about the Third World.
You don’t even let me,
you export my jobs to them
in their maquiladoras
where they strive to get somewhere near
my welfare payments. Its no relief
when every day I have to fight off
Tiger and Dragons which you place
in my way, (but its really your way)

we’re going all the way

another day of speculation
and what do ya get?
six feet of bullshit
and deeper in debt

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