Conscienses, going cheap!!!

Hello consumers
customers, shoppers
As, Bs, maybe Cs
(forget the Ds and Es)
what can we sell you today?

How about this back?
One owner only,
but many masters
No longer needed
as the owner is unemployed

The first twenty callers
will get a set of
Twisted, scarred fingers

Or maybe you’d like
a guaranteed job for life
these are handy little numbers
very hard to find
available to valued clients
good luck required
satisfaction not included

not interested?

how about this item?
we don’t sell many
their a bit out of fashion
very clumsy and heavy
can cause pain and discomfort
and require humility and respect

however, it comes with
a built in crap-detector
and provides years of good feeling

I’ll take it,
it’s just what I’ve been looking for!

So, would you like a bag
for your social conscience?

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