in Five Acts
I've lost the plot?
some would say
I never had it
a different script is mine
where you read tragedy
I'm laughing at comedy
so hard it kills me
Always one act behind
lines spoken
out of place
my face
gives the wrong impression
the nuances lost in a subtle
punchlines precede the joke
I'm all too aware of my
melodrama is all too appealing
the narrative furtively revealing
truth is hastily decided
in a producton that's ill-conceived
it reads smoothly on opening night
only to stall at the critics hand
a roomful of monkeys
they could type my life
better than Shakespeare
like Lear, the King is a vain Fool
and the Fool a sage
intelligence cloaks bare wisdom
betrayed by daughters
of doubt
certainty is dethroned
and sits alone, naked
to the elements of the spirit
the teleological device eludes
players in dramatic uncertainty
where is that deux ex machina
to haul me up from the chasm
of the tragic flaw of vanity
the blessed curse of humanity