Digging our own graves

there was a shortage of holes
so they had to dig another one
the ground had to be opened out

ghosts of the half-life were set free
flying on the wing of enterprise
no one heard their screams

there was a lack of poison
but deafness was an epidemic
the land was talking plainly

yellow was the cake
yellow was the liver

ecos is home
   economics was the end
      ecology tried to mend

ecos is home

they said there would be jobs
   you could eat yellow cake
no one was a friend of the sun
but they all loved the atom
figures had to be faked

don’t shit where you eat
is advice corporatons rarely follow
as they don't eat
and their CEOs can afford to import
their food and export profits

can we give you our land
our spirit in your hands
let us fatten your economy
fed by our ecology

we pay to poison ourselves
   but be reassured
nothing is wrong,
this is business
   as usual

too busy to stop
too busy to care

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