do you really
want to know?
its here again
this tortuous twisting
so persisting
knifings its way
through consciousness
it rips through peace
the gurgling is painfully loud
talking of endless remissions
it paints a portrait of pain on porcelain
red is the colour of uncertainty
an indication of mortality
an invitation of moroseness
an exploration
of sanity
causation is as unknown as consequence
can only hope it isnt cancer -
that democratic disease
I just hope
dont let it be
let me live
let me be
a life of false starts
empty of post-movement analysis
free of dreaded anticipation
removed from holding painful gas
lacking in doubled-over cramps
Im attacking myself
from the inside
eroding my integrity
ulcerating my soul,
inflaming needles debride
cant feel whole
cant hold it
defeat it
it seems a bloody curse besets me
as I sit on this chilly throne,
the king of the unmentionable,
subject of an anxious bowel