Life strains to see the scene through
the opaque glass of oppurtunity
hiding a beguiling wonder
new eyes to avoid,
more times to bite the tongue
like the light caught unawares
in a magnified diffusion of confusion
another uncertain sun struggles
in a fuzzy construction
sound muddles through thickness,
treading lightly on turned ears -
open but closed
seemingly deaf too
that profound silence screams
against the glass, pounding
hammering to be let inside
to be outside of that mind
set in concrete ways.
oppurtunity knocks vaguely today
tomorrow an answer,
a reply might deign to arise
from the ashes of a forlorn Phoenix
will there be a shattering rebirth,
or will the glass be retired neatly
so completely removed?
a youthful clarity reborn
no longer straining, instead asserting
confidence smoothing, sailing
the glassy sea made tranquil
no more tidal waves
tsunamis of tension finally repulsed,
the key in those giving barriers
giving way
the flood of realisation
will make its
the waves of light are outside
no longer the inside, dichotomy dies
and finally on wings of freedoms air
life flys into the room,
singing its new tune
for new beginnings from old wounds.