Mob Inadequacy

One young man
surrounded by thirty others,
young men
cowards always hang in a mob,
all confident in their prejuidice,
they leap quickly to violence,
its what works best
when your faced by uncertainty
masked as certainty

they could not be like him
they all know he is sick,
no matter how healthy he may be
his brain must be ill
he’s not a human being

do we remember
how easy this is?

recall the school yard
never the bully
sometimes the victimised
sometimes the silent voyeur,
someone always had to pay

we were no different,
the Grim Reaper made me fear
so stupidly
paranoia came so easily,
AIDS was the gay plague

we were terrified of them,
that we might be, you know
always the secret fear
strike out and claim your virility
attack the best form of defence

Oh enlightenment came quickly,
hatreds not my thing,
but the feeling was carried by others
drinking the venom with fervour

and why wouldn’t they
being gay is deemed evil
by our so called moral leaders,
who think so highly of bigotry
- machismo is intrinsic to our society

so much invested in such a small thing
its really quite amusing
how they hang themselves on inadequacy
fear and loathing
but the boy in the yard, he doesn’t see the joke
can’t find humour in being spat at

some would have known they were wrong
but the mask is easy to put on,
and so hard to take off,
smothering dissent
oxygen doesn't reach the brain
thought and speech are restricted
by it's conventional moulding
they hide behind their name calling

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