The Perils of Pauline

Poor Pauline,
she just can’t get it Right
trying hard to be a fascist
she tries with all her might.

The shadows hide behind her
white-clothed, they evade scrutiny
the problem is one of immigration
difference is denounced with venality

she gives a wink to the culprit
asking us to please explain
its just capitalism, stupid
they don’t care about our pain

there’s always someone below us
somebody to kick when down
she fans the flame of hatred
setting fires town after town

she sings the song of a fair go
but all I hear is Nuremberg chants
murmurs of a Social Darwinist past
all we need are Hitler’s rants

I’m sure she loves the League
that’s Rights not Rugby
can we ever be one nation?
If she succeeds, not likely.

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