The New Russians
The New and Improved Russian
much snazzier suits
more aesthetically pleasing,
lean, mean, young and blonde
power with a handsome face
Lenin kept the cap too long
Stalin had that withered arm,
matching a withered soul
Trotsky didnt go far enough
he should have been more like Gorbachev
yet for all their shortcomings
what they really lacked was marketing
The New Russian has no need for compassion
no socialist facade is needed
now only greed is heeded
there are new dogmas to be learned
and new hands to shake
some are invisible,
others are more easily greased
There will be new Kulaks
those who disagree
the police will always be there
the KGB come full circle
check it out!
Its unclear who the Tsar is,
its a matter of speculation
The five year plan is to liberate
roubles fly from peasant pockets
- they've got the freedom to be poor again
The New Russian doesnt hide
instead he steps out onto red carpet
into the best hotels
the wealth is on display
no side entrances into party shops,
no secret warehouses
just isnt capitalism wonderful, yes?
and oh, the peasants have always complained!
who shall build the new pyramids
in this dicatatorship of the nouveau riche?
The new statues are more colourful
golden archways frame the future -
new suits, gold watches, champagne, blue skies
somewhere in Moscow, Kropotkins
statue cries