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Update 03 20 08

Examining Credibility of New Age
a brief look at its role in the future of true knowledge

Proof of evidence is not evidence of proof.

One of the most baffling qualities of human consciousness is that despite our capacity for critical thinking we are easily led en masse into embracing beliefs that have insufficient justification based on the evidence- to the degree that historically, whole civilizations rose and fell as a result of ideologies that charismatic individuals invented which revolutionized the religion and/or culture of their time. With the rise of the Internet, this propensity is growing exponentially as virtually every conceivable perception or conspiracy theory (historic or brand new) can be afforded a proselytical push to find a constituency- the scale and scope ranging from a few mass religious or political movements as Islamist fundamentalism, communism or Western secular progressivism- to an infinite number of New Age cultists advocating every macro and micro artifact of human imagination. This radical shift in the fracturing of every conceptual aspect of our popular reality is a symptom as fundamental to the intellectual atmosphere in which our collective human consciousness is evolving as global warming is to the alteration of Earth's ecosystem and may represents as great a threat to our survival as rational humanoids.

Of course it is impossible to set standards for distinguishing between rational and irrational hypotheses as one shifts perspectives among science, philosophy, religion and mysticism all of which have their place in the quest for understanding reality. Even in the most pragmatic of cognitive processes the axioms of falsifiabilty fall when theoretical physicists delve into the enigmas of consciousness, bosons, cosmological constants, parallel universes and dark matter. It is also obvious that the doctrines of dualistic theism depend on faith alone to justify belief but those precepts are artifacts from historic cultures where superstition was the intellectual modus operandi for explaining nature. Here mainstream New Age is taken to task because it has arisen well past the Age of Enlightenment where a vast array of intellectual resources, tools and applications are available for rationally considering virtually every issue with deductive reasoning- yet it regularly resorts to the most atavistic of all the options- superstition, fantasy and magic!

Obviously the ephemeral quality of the topics that New Age encompasses- spiritualism, mysticism, psychism, etc. presents a body of thought limited only by what can be imagined and the credulity of the beholder. On one end of the credibility spectrum we have qualified consensus for some aspects of the mystical traditions as well as the contemporary efforts by "new" and quantum scientists, transpersonal psychiatrists and the integral spiritual community to synthesize a metareality model with some sense of responsibility as to establishing plausibility. From that end on- the mainstream New Age spectrum rapidly inflates (is overwhelmed) by an open-ended onslaught of mystical fantasies that lose all sense of rational responsibility- the stuff that popular culture embraces to create its magical reality paradigm.

There are two cases to point to from my personal experience that illustrate how belief becomes fixed in the paradigm of those holding cultist concepts despite later evidence that explicitly refutes the premise on which it was based.

In 1979 I had established a Bonsai Tree nursery in Miami featuring trees which had been naturally dwarfed by growing in stressful habitats which I collected and re-established in bonsai dishes. I had discovered a rich collecting ground for rare specimens of dwarfed Black Olive (Bucida spinosa) in Bimini Island in the Bahamas in an area that was used as a dumping ground for all the island's refuse that was rapidly being converted to a landfill. The situation was ideal for my collecting since I was becoming sensitive to the ecological immorality of collecting specimens in pristine habitats while here the landscape was doomed to eventually be buried in garbage. On one trip to the island I had occasion to be on a dock in the main harbor and encountered a group of about a dozen college-age men and women tourists preparing to embark on a seriously-equipped scuba diving adventure with a level of excitement that was palpable. Curious as to what their project was, I could barely distract one guy long enough for him to explain they were an Edgar Cayse "research" team who were going to explore the "Bimini Road"- an undersea formation that resembled a section of a "Giant's Causeway" made up of massive hand-cut blocks of native limestone.

Cayse had proposed that the "artifacts" were archaeological evidence for his theory that the Bahamas Islands were the site of the lost civilization of Atlantis. With an indiscreetness that is my nature, I started to explain to the young man that Eugene Shinn, an oceanographer with the US Geological Survey had actually conducted a scientific examination of the formation in question and published an article in the Oceanographic Research Institute's magazine Sea Frontiers in 1978 and concluded that the formation was a natural geological formation. Since the publication of the article it was evident that subsequent perpetuation of the Bimini Road hypothesis was a deliberate hoax. Through the analysis of a number of core samples taken on site, Shinn was able to determine there was an unbroken continuity of structure throughout the cores and that the composition of the "stones" was identical to the "beach rock" that was continuously being created on numerous shorelines throughout the Bahamas and Caribbean. In the tidal zone, the calcareous sands forms a cement-like layer through a chemical reaction accelerated when air and seawater is exposed to mixing by wave action. In this dynamic environment the layer becomes fractured and scoured and assumes a characteristic pattern that resembles an assemblage of separate, flattened stones that have been purposely fitted together. Layers that were created on beaches that existed thousand of years ago as in Bimini and many other localities in the region are now submerged at various depths of water due to local submergence and changes in sea level since the end of the last ice age.

As I was winding up my expose, the guy became increasingly agitated (a fact I was aware of only later in hindsight) and finally became literally beside himself- swaying from side to side with his hands clapped over both ears- and moaning for me to stop with my revelations and pleaded with me to "get lost". It was only then that I realized my revelation had been totally inappropriate and that I was intruding on a Edgar Cayce RFE (resource for enlightenment) religious ceremony- so made an awkward apology and retreated post haste to leave the group in peace to pursue their delusions concerning the Bimini Road hoax. See another critique of Shinn's paper by Dr. Greg Little

In the years since this incidence at the Bimini docks, there have been numerous attempts see William Hutton to refute and discredit Shinn's conclusion by true believers of the Cayce Group as well as by advocates of a variety of New Age paradigms. The arguments generally resemble the pseudo scientific approach by those who use the inability of geological and paleontological science to provide an unbroken chain of evidence for the case that life has been evolving for billions of years to lay claim to what they propose is an equally valid argument for Biblical accuracy about the age of Earth based on a God of the Gaps logic. Rather than confronting Shinn's evidence they range far and wide into interpretations of benthic mapping and core sampling from legitimate scientific expeditions which can be interpreted in various ways to create theoretical models as to how plate tectonics may have allowed the Atlantis of mythology and Edgar Cayce's readings to wind up in Bimini.

To assess how the issue has evolved in contemporary popular culture over the past 30-years, I did a quick survey of the first 1K websites that Google brought up in a search for Bimini Road. There are perhaps a few dozen science and skeptical sites that expressed unequivacable support for the conclusion that the formation was a natural and not a man-made structure. The other 97% either promoted the Cayce RFE viewpoint or presented the issue as a totally unsolved mystery. Of these, the vast majority clearly have a vested interest in promoting the myth which included, Atlantian, New Age and Unsolved Mysteries sites, blogs and book publishers, the Bahamas tourist industry, diving outfitters, The Bimini Roads Rally, etc. but also a number of ostensibly objective informational portals like HowStuffWorks- (pseudo-science at its worst) and BrainyEncyclopedia- heavily tilted to the artifact theory with the exclusive suggestions for further reading: Dr. Greg Little, Dec. 2004, More Adventures With Bimini Beachrock: Remarkable Blunders in a Purported Scholarly Report Debunking the Bimini Stones and Video Clips of The Bimini Road and Andros Platform: Man-Made or Natural Formations?. The Wikipedia Bimini Road article strives to be objective but succumbs to its policy of not having a point of view by affording the mythical argument parity with the rational, scientific one and affords the mythical view a majority of outside references. See other examples of natural formations that appear man-made.

The Yonaguni Monument from Wikipedia: The Yonaguni Monument is a massive underwater rock formation off the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan. While many archaeologists and geologists believe that it is a natural formation, some hold the view that some of its features are man-made. Although the article features scientific opinions skeptical of artifact theories- as in the Bimini Road article- the references are heavily weighted in favor of websites asserting the formation is a man-made monument from a lost civilization.

The Mystique of Beachrock by Eugene A. Shinn, 2009 - University of South Florida Marine Science Center (full article) Parallel rows of intertidal beachrock composed of large (up to 4 m), oblong, pillow-shape blocks submerged by rising Holocene sea level occur throughout the Caribbean. The best known example is in 5 m of water off the northwest side of Bimini, Bahamas, where the feature is known as the Bimini Road. "New-Age" alternative thinkers assert that the arrangement of the Bimini stones, and similar stones off Andros Island in the Bahamas, is actually man-made. The theory holds that ancient humans, principally citizens of the mythical city of Atlantis rearranged blocks of beachrock to form a harbour. This paper demonstrates that the stones and their arrangement are natural and suggests that some villages protected by ancient harbours in the Mediterranean may in fact have been developed on naturally occurring beachrock.

In a special "Tribute to Bob Ginsburg" session of the Geological Society of America in 2005, Eugene Shinn presented a review and update on the Bimini Road issue. The entire program with images and sound online here.

In an update on 03/20/08 Eugene Shinn forwarded a copy of an Email he had sent some fellow geologists about his article published in the May Explorer magazine regarding the Bimini "Road" formations- in response to their March cover story which presents another striking example of natural formations that appear man-made.

In 1972, while waiting for my property in Boone to sell, Patti and I moved down to Durham, NC where I whiled away my time at the Foundation For Research Into the Nature of Man - an outgrowth of the Rhine Group of transpersonal psychology researchers at U of NC- Chapel Hill. FRNM (later named The Psychical Research Foundation) headed by psychologist Bill Roll, was funded by a private grant and split off from the Rhine group to expand research from ESP to broader areas of noetics such as survival of life presence after death, mediumship, poltergeist effect, etc. I proposed to Roll that I volunteer some research in Kirlian photography and recruited some folks in the electrical engineering dept at U of NC to develop the equipment we'd need to conduct our research. Just as we were about to start our lab work a paper came out by researchers regarding the Kirlian photographic effects that established way beyond any reasonable doubt, that all the supposed paranormal attributes could be explained by the presence of residual water moisture remaining on the electrical plates after the subject hand, leaf, etc. was removed. Naturally, this caused everyone to lose interest in conducting any further research. One would expect that thirty five years after the definitive squelching of any mystery being involved in the phenomenon there would be little mention of Kirlian in regards to mysteries but in fact a Google search turns up hundreds of resources that cite the Kirlian effect as physical evidence for establishing the reality of everything from astral artifacts to the presence of life after death. Well after the effect had been explained (in 1972) Parapsychologist Thelma Moss popularized Kirlian photography as a diagnostic medical tool with her popular books The Body Electric (1979) and The Probability of the Impossible (1983) in which she maintained that the Kirlian process was an open door to the "bioenergy" of the astral body and featured the Kirlian effect as major evidence for her astral paradigm which still has considerable following in total disregard of the scientific refutation that was available years before.

The DaVinci Code is a more recent example of how New Age conspiracy theories can almost overnight create a constituency of millions. Of course many historic sites reputed to be the location of major episodes in the cannons of various religions are disputed by evidence provided by modern scientific forensic examination but that does not abate the flow of millions of pilgrims to the holy places. Theistic traditions associated with the site over which the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was constructed provides a dozen non-overlapping localities- sometimes competing as the true site for various episodes in the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. Since they were excluded from a space in the Catholic church, Protestants pilgrimage to the Garden Tomb nearby, that they claim is the true sepulchre- but some artifacts collected at the site in 2005 date to the eighth-seventh centuries BCE - iron-age.

Update 07 26 08
Confessions of a Star Psychic by Keith Harary Ph.D. - Keith "Blue" Harary was a hot young psychic whose 'extraordinary' psychic ability was the basis of a significant research study at FRNM, sought after by treasure hunters, stockbrokers and spies. Then he began to question his own extraordinary abilities. An example of how tenuous is the balance between open-mindedness and skepticism when attempting a 'scientific' approach to psychic, paranormal and spiritual epiphenomena- where both gullibility and uber-rationalism lurk to confuse reality.

The potential for permutation and combination of the factors of human imagination, our gullibility as a result of the paucity of critical thinking and having it all accessible via the internet along with its exploitation by popular media- all portends that future MetaMatrix paradigms may overwhelm all collective rational thought. I suspect that as New Age perceptions about reality proliferate, the rate at which fracturing of knowledge occurs will only accelerate. It may come to pass that true knowledge will be increasingly in the hands of a shrinking population of scientist/mystics who managed to preserve an enlightened synthesis of new scientific rationalism and metaphysical wisdom in secret while the main contestants determining the composition of popular mass-culture reality paradigms continue to be strictly materialist, atheistic science and a steady inflation of open-ended New Age pseudo-scientific/spiritualism with all the major religions of both East and West having a declining influence except Islam. Here its militant fundamentalism will continue to consolidate the economic power provided by oil wealth into dominating the religious, political and cultural composition of their theocratic states and the growing numbers of its expatriate communities and spontaneously proliferating Al Qaeda cells around the globe further shrinking the collective conscious domain in which rational thought can survive. [See below- The Politics of God]

This raises an intriguing question as to what effect the World Wide Web has in this process. The most revolutionary aspect of the Internet is the scale, scope and timeliness by which it publishes every conceivable human thought and gives parity to everything within and beyond a scale from the absurd to the astute. Lynn Woodland has a more optimistic outlook and in The Internet- Our New Path to God 2006, says- The chaos theorist, Ralph Abraham...believes the explosive growth of the World Wide Web has increased the bandwidth of the mind's connections and increased the overall intelligence of our species. The early twentieth century philosopher, Pierre Teilhad de Chardin, anticipated this quickening of human consciousness, Dulcinos writes, in his theory of noogenesis, a theory that as humans stopped evolving biologically, they began an evolution of consciousness. "The World Wide Web is the material manifestation of Teilhard's vision." Dulchinos himself speculates that, "the Internet represents the latest manifestation, in the material world, of the ongoing evolution of consciousness.

Is Google Making Us Stoopid? by Nicholas Carr- Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2008 - An insightful overview of the benefit-risk trade-off as information technology propels us to instantaneous access to our desired data while disengaging our concentration and contemplation that generate rich mental connections.

The Politics of God by Mark Lilla (NYT); Magazine August 19, 2007, Sunday Late Edition - Final, Section MM, Page 28, Column , 7688 words Purchase as a single article. $4.95 Displaying extended abstract:

The twilight of the idols has been postponed. For more than two centuries from the American and French revolutions to the collapse of Soviet Communism, world politics revolved around eminently political problems. War and revolution, class and social justice, race and national identity - these were the questions that divided us. Today, we have progressed to the point where our problems again resemble those of the 16th century, as we find ourselves entangled in conflicts over competing revelations, dogmatic purity and divine duty. We in the West are disturbed and confused. Though we have our own fundamentalists, we find it incomprehensible that theological ideas still stir up messianic passions, leaving societies in ruin. We had assumed this was no longer possible, that human beings had learned to separate religious questions from political ones, that fanaticism was dead.[1] We were wrong.

An example: In May of 2006, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran sent an open letter to President George W. Bush that was translated and published in newspapers around the world... Its theme was contemporary politics and its language that of divine revelation...it concluded with ...a threatening prophecy: "Liberalism and Western-style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity. Today these two concepts have failed. Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems....Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things."

This is the language of political Theology, and for millenia it was the only tongue human beings had for expressing their thoughts about political life. It is primordial, but also contemporary: countless millions still pursue the age-old quest to bring the whole of human life under God's authority...

The problem is ours not Ahmadinejad's. A little more than two centuries ago we began to believe that the West was on a one-way track toward modern secular democracy and that other societies, once placed on that track, would inevitably follow. Though this has not happened, we still maintain our implicit faith in a modernizing process and blame delays on extenuating circumstances like poverty or colonialism. This assumption shapes the way we see political theology, especially in its Islamic form - as an atavism requiring psychological or sociological analysis but not serious intellectual engagement. Islamists, even if they are learned professionals, appear to us primarily as frustrated, irrational representatives of frustrated, irrational societies, nothing more.

(m-g comments:) Of course over the past half century we have had the ongoing warfare in Israel and Lebanon with Palestinian, Hezbollah and their Iranian and Syrian sponsors as a constant reminder of how religious differences can cause political conflicts to remain insolvable. Ahmadinejad defines his enemy as the liberal democratic systems which most pointedly refers to the secular progressive element in the West rather than Christian fundamentalism which the SP community itself holds responsible for engendering Islamist hatred of America. Presently all states with a Muslim majority that have instituted some degree of Western style acculturation- Turkey, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan and especially Pakistan face the possibility of an overthrow by forces intent on establishing Iranian style Islamic theocracies. The factors causing the exponential rate at which Islamist ideology is consolidating influence and power globally is the wealth accruing to the Islamic State of Iran from its oil reserves largely provided by the income from Communist China's marketing of its industrial production whose rapid expansion is achieved through the state-sponsored pirating of western technology.

For some eye-opening revelations concerning Islamic ambitions see Islam-Watch -a production by expatriate muslim documenting state-sponsored Jihad for achieving political hegemony to impose sharia law world-wide.
See also: Journal Updating Global Jihad

Further Reading:

The Gaian Paradigm by Bill Ellis. A comprehensive model for how Gaian consciousness can restructure virtually every aspect of global culture, economics, technology, politics, education and religion- inspired by a synthesis of the best ideas from New Age and tradition.

Cults and Cosmic Consciousness: Religious Vision in the American 1960s by Camille Paglia. An in depth examination of the rise and evolution of the New Age in perspective to analogous historical movements.

There was a massive failure by American universities to address the spiritual cravings of the post-sixties period. The present cultural landscape is bleak: mainline religions torn between their liberal and conservative wings; a snobbishly secular intelligentsia; an alternately cynical or naively credulous media; and a mass of neo-pagan cults and superstitions seething beneath the surface. All-night radio features call-ins about crop-circles, UFO's, and abduction by aliens, science-fiction themes popularized by Swiss writer Erich Von Daniken's 1968 international bestseller, Chariot of the Gods (which attributes archaeological monuments to extraterrestrials). Prime-time TV programs are regularly devoted to seers like Rosemary Altea, James Van Praagh, and John Edward, who claim to hear messages from dead relatives hovering around audience members.

Why I Am Not a New Ager by H. Lorrith - Contents: Introduction and Definitions; The Problem With Fuzzy Epistemology; The Problem With Fuzzy Scholarship; The Problem With Warm, Fuzzy Optimism; The Problem With Fuzzy Standards; A Rational Approach to Religion; Appendix: Transcendental Silliness; Related Links

New Age Fundamentalism- a critical overview by Julian Walker in his blog in Gaia Community. New Age Integral Distinctions by JW.

Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology by Michael Daniels, PhD "Transpersonal Psychology" is a branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of those states and processes in which people experience a deeper or wider sense of who they are, or a sense of greater connectedness with others, nature, or the "spiritual" dimension. Transpersonal psychology is NOT the New Age. Although transpersonal psychology represents a paradigm shift in consciousness, science and culture, it seeks to distance itself from the kind of uncritical adoption of New Age beliefs that characterises certain elements of the so-called counter culture. Transpersonal psychology has very little, if anything, to do with crystals, UFOs, alien abduction, chakras, auras, fairies, psychism, aromatherapy, levitation, fire-walking, or the millennium, except as these phenomena, practices or experiences may be investigated in terms of their transformational consequences.

Bridging the Chasm between Two Cultures by Karla McLaren: A former leader in the New Age culture - author of nine titles on auras, chakras, "energy," and so on - chronicles her difficult and painful transition to skepticism. She thanks the skeptical community and agonizes over how the messages of scientific and critical thinking could be made more effective in communicating with her former New Age colleagues. Magnificent insight of a reformed sinner.

In Search of Self: Beyond the New Age; also titled When the New Age Gets Old: Looking for a Greater Spirituality (1992) by Vishal Mangalwadi One of a series of essays examining values in Neo Hinduism, post-modern Christianity, new science and post New Age spirituality.

MysticBourgeoisie by Christopher Locke. The hyperactive rantings of an iconiclastic intellectual- challenging, refuting, debunking the NewAge zeitgeist. New Age "Asiatic" thought ... is establishing itself as the hegemonic ideology of global capitalism. See also his RageBoy book reviews.

Paradigm Wars: Worldviews for a New Age By Mark B. Woodhouse Woodhouse defends against Carl Raschke dismissal of the New Age movement: "The New Age Movement is a codification of the idealistic fervor, religious experimentation, anti-intellectualism, millennialism and self immersion of the 1960's counter-culture, and it reflects, in part, a generational mid-life crisis. The 60's generation has come up against the limits of opportunity and human mortality, and in the New Age movement it is seeking an innocence and immortality that is beyond human grasp."

Critical Thinking About the Paranormal Philosophy Fall 2007 - Sacramento City College, Instructor: Dr. Robert T. Carroll with links to a compendium of online resources concerning New Age paradigms.

Concepts of God...good grief!...one could spend several lifetimes just cataloging the hits in Wikipedia and Google on scholarly opinions about immanence, transcendence, monism, pantheism, panentheism and etc. in religion, metaphysics and philosophy- formulated in the demanding linguistics of epistemology, ontology, phenomenology, heterophenomenology, hermeneutics, eteology and on and on.

Approaching the scale and scope of the God compendium and in even more challenging intellectual math, is the exponentially growing science archive of hypotheses regarding Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Reality

Little wonder that the open end of New Age is so popular as that is where magical and occult paradigms trump not only empirical logic but even the concepts of new science and philosophy which although often non-materialist and unconventional, follow a relatively rigorous rational protocol. Rather than subjecting hard questions to critical thinking, mainstream New Age offers pseudo-heuristic explanations resulting in a growing body of passionate belief in virtually anything without raising issues about credible evidence or plausibility.

Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens by Susan A. Clancy - postdoctoral fellow in psychology at Harvard University. Selected Reviews: Although it focuses on abduction memories, the book hints at a larger ambition, to explain the psychology of transformative experiences, whether supposed abductions, conversions or divine visitations.

Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief by Donna Kossy. Review: If Ivan Stang's "High Weirdness By Mail" offered a glimpse into the world of kooks, crackpots, and the fringe, then Donna Koosy's "Kooks" is a five-star luxury cruise through the uncharted fringes of human belief. Miss Kossy takes the best and most outrageous parts of her "Kooks" zine and puts them together to give us an in-depth look at people so far out there, you'll have trouble believing that this stuff really exists at all...except that it's right here, in front of your own eyes. There are racist publications galore, UFO kooks, misunderstood pseudo-scientists, and other visionaries -- all of whom are given a fair, understanding, and honest look by Miss Kossy. Many of the most famous kooks are given in-depth presentations, including the Raelians, Wilhelm Reich, the trepanation folks, and lots lots more. Kossy believes in letting their words and their deeds speak for themselves, and this gives her more respect in both the eyes of the kooks, and in the eyes of the readers.

High Profile Conspiracy Theories From 9/ll Paranoid/Absurd to Somewhat Plausible

About Everything
Bibliotecapleyades - An international portal promoting every conceivable conspiracy theory.

About 9/ll
911 Conspiracy Theory A stunning example of how ideological passion can numb critical thinking and allow a mass delusion to grow a hysterical paradigm.

9/11 Scholars for Truth - 2006, We don't believe that 19 hijackers and a few others in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone," says Steven Jones, physics professor at Brigham Young University in Utah. "We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we're going to get to the bottom of this." While this sinister spin strikes most American academics as absurd, Jones, is not alone. He is a member of 9/11 Scholars for Truth and Justice, a recently formed group of around 75 US professors determined to prove 9/11 was a hoax. In essays and journals, they are using their association with prominent universities to give a scholarly stamp to conspiracy theories long believed in parts of Europe and the Arab world, and gaining ground among Americans due to frustration with the Iraq war and opposition to President Bush's heavily hyped war or terror.

Debunking 911 - Debunking the 9/11 conspiracy.

About The Lucis Trust and United Nations
This theory actually has some legitimate basis for concern about how involved a world body should be in sponsoring a spiritual world view that originates from a particular metaphysical paradigm originated in the teachings of the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky in the early 20th century. Although it seems ecumenical and inclusive on the one hand it includes controversial proprietary new age concepts antithetical to prophetic traditions some of whom find overtones of occultism and even Satanism. An aspect of the controversy is the role Sri Chinmoy- who died Oct, 2007- has played in solidifying this relationship by his proselytizing the shaping of the conceptual body in the non-dual tradition which further leaves the prophetic traditions feeling excluded from the alleged ecumenical world view of the UN.

UN Spiritual Paradigm - Overview and background.

Lucis Trust - Wikipedia article.

Illuminati - The New World Order & Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists (PCTs)

Lucis Trust Conspiracy - Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False Light of the World - by Terry Melanson, 2001 (Last Update: May 8th, 2005) Article by Terry Melanson that outlines the roles of the global elite within the United Nations and the Lucis Trust. The article demonstrates the openly Luciferian ideologies that are driving the agenda of globalization. part two: Alice Bailey & Master Djwhal Khul: A Satanic Communion.

David Icke - reptilian humanoids and the new world order.



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