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Links to Vedanta & New Physics Metaparadigm?

A presentation of some online articles and papers exploring the pros and cons for the effort to compose a synthesis between metaphysical (primarily Vedantic) and new physics concepts for modeling a consciousness metaparadigm.

Update 03 02 09

A cosmos with no beginning or end by Richard Talcott (Astronomy, March, 09) Uncertainties about the Big Bang helped motivate cosmologists Paul J. Steinhardt of Princeton University and Neil Turok of Cambridge University to develop a theory they call the "cyclic model of the universe." The model envisions a universe that undergoes limitless cycles. Each cycle begins with a Big Bang, is followed by a long period of expansion and cooling, and ends with a Big Crunch. The cycle repeats perhaps once every trillion years. The Big Bang that launched our current universe is just the latest in a long line of such bangs. Our universe exists on a three-dimensional membrane, or "brane" for short, near a second such brane. (The distance between the branes lies along a fourth spatial dimension.)

(m-g: My concurrent dual-nondual, 200% reality model finds a poignant synchronicity with this two-brane theory- even in the feature I describe of returning from my samadhi as the stream ejected me into a funnel-like opening in a filamentous membrane that seemed to stretch infinitely into two-dimensional space.)

Nataraja Symbol at CERN about the 2m tall statue of the Indian deity Shiva Nataraja- Lord of Dance unveiled at CERN, 2004 (European Center for Research in Particle Physics) in Geneva by the Indian government to celebrate the research center's long association with India. The parallel between Shiva's dance and the dance of subatomic particles was first discussed by Fritjof Capra in an article titled "The Dance of Shiva: The Hindu View of Matter in the Light of Modern Physics," published in Main Currents in Modern Thought in 1972. Shiva's cosmic dance then became a central metaphor in Capra's international bestseller The Tao of Physics, first published in 1975.

My Vision at age 8 of God Dancing Around age 7 or 8- just before falling asleep I had a spontaneous vision of a slender figure with a conical cap, silhouetted against a bright light at the end of long tunnel- dancing. I thought it was God, that left me with an "icky" (queasy) feeling. It was only after my effort to integrate my nirvikalpa Samadhi that I realized the figure had a striking resemblance to Nataraja and the vision bore a synchronicity to the perennial scenario of a light at the end of a tunnel. Recently I realize it was also immediately symbolic of the concept of the samadhi wormhole.

Principles of Quantum Buddhism by Francois Lepine (Quantum Buddhism Association, St-Raymond, Quebec, Canada) Samadhi occurs during deep meditation. Scientifically, in altered states quantum brain activities may become more directly connected with the universal quantum geometry and its collective information. Number 10 of 22 abstracts of papers presented at Quantum Mind Conference University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria July, 2007 by leading scientific theorists for interconnecting consciousness and the physical world. Many of these papers present highly technical science-based theories relating to how our personal cosciousness may entangled with a conscious cosmic matrix.

Physics, Mysticism, and the New Holographic Paradigm- Ken Wilbur's cautious overview "The work of these scientists--Bohm, Pribram, Wheeler, and all--is too important to be weighed down with wild speculations on mysticism. And mysticism itself is too profound to be hitched to phases of empirical scientific theorizing. Let them appreciate each other, and let their dialogue and mutual exchange of ideas never cease. But unwarranted and premature marriages usually end in divorce, and all too often a divorce that terribly damages both parties."

True Nature: Notes on Spirit and Science by Thomas McFarlane. Reflections on spiritual teachings, mystical philosophy, and science. See his compendium of links to Individuals and Their Works Relating to Integral Science and his extended essays as in The Heart of Franklin Merrell-Wolff's Philosophy

Speculations on a Unified Theory of Matter and Mind- Manoj K. Samal, of the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences in India- "Physics is so successful today in understanding the nature of matter. What can it say about mind ? Is it possible to have a unified theory of matter and mind within the framework of modern science ? Is Consciousness an accident or is it a natural consequence of laws of nature ? Are these laws of nature the same as the laws of physics ? We make an attempt here to unify mind with matter based on an extended formalism borrowed from Quantum theory where information plays a more fundamental role than matter or thought."

Topological Geometrodynamics - Finnish physicist Matti Pitkänen presents the theory of TGD. Pitkänen has followed the steps in Samal’s line of attack and produced a manifold of information "embedded 4-spaces" which represent the workings of the mind. TGD is Pitkänen’s structure through which we attribute meaning and understanding to the world, and TGD also explains our biology, our chemistry, our physics, and our connection to the universe.

Physics and Vedanta- John Dobson- "What we now call the philosophy of Vedanta (and I don't mean the practice, but the philosophy behind the practice of what we call Advaita Vedanta) was apparently invented by some very sharp physicists in India a long time ago".

Quantum Physics and Vedic Metaphysics- by David Bruce Hughes "The intent of this work is to present and explore an extant theory of consciousness from an ancient tradition of vital, living importance to hundreds of millions of adherents and practitioners all over the world, and to evaluate its potential value to modern science."

A Clear Conception of 'Possible' to 'Actual' - From the Phenomenology of Heisenberg to the Ontology of Whitehead. Peter Mutnick's deep philosophy concerning synthesis of metaphysical and phenomenological reality. "That the actual and the other are infused by the unconditioned consciousness and the self, respectively, means that the limits of the actual and the other are burst asunder. It is this fact that enables the phenomenological consciousness or cogito to grasp the entire world as a totality. That is precisely the meaning of cosmic consciousness, and it is the real meaning of the Encompassing (das Umgreifende), discussed by Karl Jaspers. It is only this kind of cogito that confers certain knowledge that I AM, or ego sum."

Quantum Mind Dialogs with Stuart Hameroff, Peter Mutnick, Jack Sarfatti, Henry Stapp, etc.

Physical Duality Jack Sarfatti and David Bohm : Bohm, in his "causal theory", made the correct Hegelian synthesis of Einstein's thesis that there is a "there" there, and Bohr's antithesis of "thinglessness" (Nick Herbert’s term). Einstein was a materialist and Bohr was an idealist. Bohm showed that quantum reality has both. This is "physical dualism" (my term). Physical dualism may be a low energy approximation to a deeper monism of cosmic consciousness called "the super-implicate order" (Bohm and Hiley’s term), "pregeometry" (Wheeler’s term), "substratum" (Dirac’s term), "funda-MENTAL space" (Hameroff’s term), "Chi" (Chinese medicine & Falun Gong) etc.,

Vedanta International Conference An annual conference documenting the impact of Vedanta on the global intellectual landscape.

Maya in Physics by R. Blake Michael, N. C. Panda; Maya in Physics is a synthesis of modern classical physics, thermodynamics, relativity, quantum physics, particles physics, and cosmology and the Advaita Vedanta, with an integral thesis emerging out of the confluence. In the exposition of the Advaita Vedanta, its philosophy has been reinterpreted in the light of modern science. In this process, the Vedanta has been demystified and physics dematerialized instead of being confined to inter-school parallelism only, this book tries to present a total vision of the entire cosmos and its dependence on Brahman, the transcendental being which is the non-dual Reality.

What Is Enlightenment? WIE Index to articles by researchers for a theory of consciousness that embraces both the mystical and the latest discoveries in neuroscience, parapsychology, and quantum physics. Who are we? Random creations of the unpredictable workings of quantum physics? Or are we a miraculous creation of God filled with meaning and purpose? Is there some mysterious, living intelligence that pervades the entire universe? Or is consciousness just the illusory byproduct of synaptic activity in our brain? Come and explore the hotly contested ground between mysticism and materialism, as we seek out a theory of consciousness that embraces both science and the soul.

My Big TOE, by Thomas Campbell 2002 - Trilogy written by a nuclear physicist in the language of contemporary Western culture, unifies science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, the normal and the paranormal. The entirety of human experience (mind, body, and spirit) including both our objective and subjective worlds, are brought together under one seamless scientific understanding.

Henry Stapp Papers (A compendium of work online) You can make a copy of one of them by clicking on the desired-version file. Stapp sees a global collapse of superposed brain states as in the process of choosing between alternatives. Stapp points out that orthodox quantum theory reconciles two diverse aspects of scientific practice: the mathematical aspect represented by the deterministic evolution of mathematical properties in accordance with a deterministic equation Schrödinger's equation; and the empirical aspect associated with our human actions upon the world about us, and the feedbacks that we experience.

PBS String Theory Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made of strings. It's not science fiction, it's string theory and you can view its entirity online.

The Foundations for a New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram, 2002- entire book online - The Principle of Computational Equivalence suggests that we as humans are in the end no more sophisticated than all sorts of simply programs, and all sorts of systems in nature. But from this there also emerges a new kind of unity: for across a vast range of systems, from simple programs to brains to our whole universe, the principle implies that there is a basic equivalence that makes the same fundamental phenomena occur, and allows the same basic scientific ideas and methods to be used.

The Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics By James Daniel Sinclair: But when the veil is torn away, the study of QM builds a remarkably robust Christian apologetic. When pragmatic & logically invalid interpretations are removed, there remain four possibilities for the nature of reality (based on the work of philosopher Henry Stapp). Additional analysis shows two are exclusive to theism. The third can be formulated with or without God. The last is consistent only with atheism. By considering additional criteria, options that deny God can be shown to be false.

Interdisciplinary University of Paris The mission of the Interdisciplinary University of Paris (UIP) is to disseminate and bring into contact different philosophical and epitemological visions of the world based on the study of contemporary scientific paradigms, mainly in the area of astrophysics, quantum physics, the theory of evolution, the neuro-sciences and the philosophies of the spirit.

Physics and Vedanta- Franklin Merrell-Wolff- American Sage of Vedanta Philosophy. "Franklin’s unique contribution to the varieties of religious experience seems to be his success in penetrating the mystery of consciousness without undergoing the exercises in fierce concentration that are generally prescribed by Hindu and Buddhist teachers. These are usually considered prerequisites to any sort of realization, and a necessary component of the path to enlightenment. However, Merrell-Wolff's insight came spontaneously."

Mystic Fire Mystic Fire expands the frontiers of Holistic Science, Art, Anthropology, Spirituality, Yoga, Mythology, Shamanism & Healers in videos, DVDs and audio CDs listed in its catalog.

Sri Aurobindo- SA was skeptical that science could contribute to the Vedanta-based enlightenment his Integral Yoga liberated. "They proved to me by convincing reasons that God does not exist; Afterwards I saw God, for he came and embraced me. And now what am I to believe- the reasoning of others or my own experience? Truth is what the soul has seen and experienced; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion." -from The Hour of God

Mandala of Indic Traditions links to scholary articles and essays pertaining to Inner Science from an Indic perspectives- hosted by the Infinity Foundation which seeks to promote East-West dialogue in the United States and India to advance proper understanding of the Indian civilizational experience in the world particularly in the areas of compassion and wisdom. (mg: think- Indic Templeton Foundation)

Chinese Philosophy's Resonance with Post-Modern Science: Cahn Insights on Emptiness From Master Hui-Neng by Sandra A. Wawrytko, Ph.D. Departments of Asian Studies and Philosophy San Diego State University 2002 The universe looks far different to today's post-modern scientists. In the light of contemporary currents of Chaos Theory and Fuzzy Logic, the metaphysics of Parmenides and Plato look at best quaint and at worst seriously flawed. A revolution is taking place before our very eyes—a radical shift in paradigms. Simplicity and analysis are giving way to complexity and synthesis; particle physics is being replaced by the Big Picture. Instead of emphasizing the discrete pieces of reality, post-modern scientists have shifted to a focus on interrelationships and process. Occam's Razor is wearing thin as reductionism proves a bad fit for the reality now being uncovered. Aesthetics offers a much more insightful approach to deciphering cosmic patterns than scientific realism.

The Self-Aware Universe Amit Goswami: "The current worldview has it that everything is made of matter, and everything can be reduced to the elementary particles of matter. Now, the opposite view is that everything starts with consciousness.That is, consciousness is the ground of all being. In this view, consciousness imposes "downward causation." In other words, our free will is real. When we act in the world we really are acting with causal power. This view does not deny that matter also has causal potency- from elementary particles upward but in addition it insists that there is also downward causation. It shows up in our creativity and acts of free will, or when we make moral decisions."

The Decider by Tom Siegfried 2008 - Informing the debate over the reality of ‘free will’ requires learning something about the lateral habenula. (m-g: But Siegfried implies that questions about free will are not meaningful in light of his assuming that our decision-making is entirely explained by the interplay of neurobiological processes. This seems merely a reductionist approach to a phenomenological aspect that does nothing to address the transcendental question regarding free-will versus determinism.)

The Divine Light and the Mystery of Existence by Sutapas Bhattacharya takes us - with a thoroughly justified pro-active India-centric vigor - on a scholarly, comprehensive sweep through three millennia of history of how light is the core of all the world's mystical traditions which eminated from India - the cradle of philosophy. (mg commentary: These 54 pages are a compendium of intimate perspectives and connections to the subject of the primacy of consciousness over materialism- of virtually every authorative source and individual in philosophy, metaphysics and science I've encountered in my integration effort over the past ten years.)

The Oneness/Otherness Mystery By Sutapas Bhattacharya. This is a work about our very existence, about Reality, about the relationship between the individual personality and the cosmos in which that personality exists, showing how the person is a microcosm, a little part of the cosmos, subtly reflecting his `world` however autonomous or independent he may believe he is. See also preview in Google books.

Sutapas also has alerted me to Ralph Abraham, Professor of Mathematics, U. of CA at Santa Cruz whose prodigious portfolio consists of articles from a highly evolved mind- integrating perspectives from direct experience in pan-disciplinary mysticism and physical, mathematical and consciousness sciences. See also Vibrations and Forms - A remarkable biographical account of the author's experiential evolution in formulating concepts about reality as member of the LSD-tripping, mysticism-questing, diaspora of young American intellectuals who like Baba Ram Dass joined satsang with Neem Karoli Baba in India in the 1970s and lived in a cave as a sadhu.

Integrated Theory of Intelligence: Discussion on: Peak Experience, Mystical Experience, Abraham Maslow by Dr. Roger D. Blomquist Also presents an outline for an Ultimate Theory of Everything.

Schrödinger's Universe and the Origin of the Natural Laws by Milo Wolff- Erwin Schrödinger (1937) perceived that the whole Universe, what we observe as material bodies and forces, are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. When he and Einstein debated the particle theorists led by Neils Bohr, most scientists thought they had lost it. This book shows they were right; that all matter is one Wave Structure in the space of the Universe. If the stars did not exist, we could not exist. Comprehensive review by Sutapas Bhattacharya

A Fourfold Approach to the Fire- A reflection on experiences of the divine Fire or Light, or Being by Nicholas Hagger- In our time, materialists (cosmologists such as Hawking, neo-Darwinian biologists such as Dawkins and deconstructionist philosophers such as Derrida) have excluded the spiritual and divine as mysticism. Their view reduces man to an accidental and futile collection of atoms, cells and neurons. A bleak reductionism holds sway in the universities and primacy in physics, cosmology, biology, physiology, psychology and philosophy. Nicholas Hagger’s revolutionary approach liberates these disciplines and unites them with mysticism, metaphysics, religion and history. Advocating (with Bergson) a new metaphysical science, he achieves a marriage between physics and metaphysics that restores man’s uniqueness and purpose and undoes the reduction of man.

The Holographic Universe By Michael Talbot Reviewed by Michael Kisor: "The Holographic Universe is a "must read" for anyone with an open, inquiring mind and a curiosity about the cosmos in which we reside. Talbot has a talent for presenting complex subjects in layman's terms, yet make it interesting reading. The ramifications for humanity are staggering as this book seriously challenges the basis for our cultural view of reality: materialism. After reading The Holographic Universe, you will understand why so many people are starting to say that a paradigm shift in our science and culture is at hand.

Consciousness and Reality Paavo Pylkkanen- Consciousness and our concept of reality.

Science, Culture and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and Auroville webzine. Vision and Mission: To consider emerging planetary science and culture in the light of Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga through affective dialog, creative imagination, critical inquiry and non-dual epistemologies. To discern trends within contemporary arts, sciences and technologies which appear to facilitate (or not) the co-evolution of integral spirituality, scientific research and emerging planetary culture.

Panpsychism A forum discussion initiated by Les Sleeth 2004. An Empirical Inductive Method: Metaphysics in philosophy has always had a big problem: evidence. The approach in the past was to assume facts a priori, and then for discussions to proceed rationalistically. Most thinkers now understand that with logic alone we discover little about the metaphysical nature of reality.

Quantum Consciousness Paradigm Google search menu.

Myth, Metaphysics, Spirit Is a symphonic fusion of science and spirituality possible? by Roar Bjonnes - The relationship between science and religion in contemporary society has often been riddled with conflicts. While science hails itself as the great discoverer of truth, religion claims to be the grand generator of meaning. On the one hand, science criticizes religion for being steeped in the dark ages of myths and dogmas, while on the other, religious fundamentalists often flatly deny broadly accepted scientific truths. (published in Prout World)

Abhidhamma- as a paradigm for consciousness studies. Chitta Chetasika Rupa (Reply to Raul Banerjee) "Prof. Chalmers ... advises us to factor the entire phenomena into three related streams, 1. conscious experience - 2. cognitive functions - 3. material events. Again, he states as a fundamental postulate the one-to-one isomorphism between conscious experience and its allied cognitive functions."

Our Solarian Legacy- Multidimensional Humans in a Self-Learning Universe by Paul Von Ward
Humans are local manifestations of a universal consciousness that informs all life. If we are not yet cosmic beings, we are at least Solarians, with a heritage in the stars. in our Solarian microcosm, I believe, humans mirror all the characteristics of a powerful self-learning organism...the universe itself."

Dr. Mohsen Kermanshahi Universal Theory- "It is understandable if scientists try to avoid theological approach to reality. That kind of approach is not scientific or logical. But avoiding a big portion of reality, just because we are afraid that it may be interpreted as presence of God, is not acceptable either. I do not understand how developing theories, which include out of our space-time elements can disprove science. Are we scared of unknown just like fifteenth century priests? Are we hiding in our caves? I believe, understanding the laws of entity beyond our space-time is attainable and we do not have to refer to God of the Gaps to find a solution for our questions.

Quantum Consciousness- Way of the Explorer by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1996. For at least five thousand years human beings have suspected that there is something more to our being than just the physical self. Spirit is not so easily dismissed as the strict materialist would have it. Yet if the spirit world does exist apart from the body and can produce creativity, thought, and other such functions, why do we need a brain? Indeed, why do we need a body at all? It seems rather doubtful that nature required fifteen billion years to evolve a method of self-reflective knowing that can perform all the complex information-management functions we find in a brain/body, and a parallel system that’s nonphysical. The energy density at the high-frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum is sufficient to permit a variety of undiscovered physical structures. Perhaps these energies might account for some of the mystical insights and visions.

M-Logically-Valued LETS by William L. Pensinger and Cong Huyen Ton Nu Nha Trang (m-g got algorythmed into this page - that has almost nothing to do with my subject except that the author, draws on his 15 years of Buddhist studies, with the perspective of a reformed sinner to brilliantly integrate metaphysics, causitive factors of AIDS and quantum wave equation into his paradigm for global economic reform. I can only dream of bringing such intellect to my topic of consciousness and revelation.) This site is devoted to all and everything associated with the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units and their applications to LETS, local exchange trading systems. Definitions of scope are broad and shall include: m-valued logic (e.g., fuzzy logic, Lukasiewicz logic); theory of monetary instruments; related quantum theoretical issues; applications technologies (hardware and software); research and development; the involved strategic planning issues; real politik of insinuating m-logically-valued exchange systems into the prevailing Newtonian institutionalization; quantum accounts of self-organization as they apply to questions of monetary theory; autopoiesis and its graphical representation systems; metaphors in theoretical biology, biometeorology, oceanography, and related sciences of multiscale dynamical systems; applicability of complexity theory to monetary systematics; history of any and all related subjects. Definitions of exclusion are narrow and shall be determined only by the propensity of any given contribution to elicit ennui. See also The Moon of Hoa Binh

Souls of Distortion Essentialy a very New Agey encyclopedic resource that embraces a vast range of holistic theories and paradigms for which reductive science has no adequate explanation. Features the goal of synthesis between perennial knowledge from mysticism, Eastern religious traditions and quantum and other new-science theoretics. An example of how detailed some subjects are examined: Aether Vibrations A growing number of post quantum physicists are discovering what Einstein and Schrödinger already assumed; physics may have been on the wrong track all along, misled by the idea that the material world exists of separate hard particles! They are suggesting now that we may live in a wave-based universe. Matter is simply the focal point of a vibration in an energy sea called the aether.

Is There Consciousness Within Science? An Interview with Ravi Gomatam of the Bhaktivedanta Institute? Bombay by Thomas Beaudry How do you view the evolution of the ongoing interface between modern science and Eastern mysticism? First Wave: Capra, Zukav - Second Wave: Wilber reintroduced a kind of Cartesian dualism. Instead of the mind/body problem, it became the spirituality versus science problem. Third Wave: Evolution of a logical framework for discussion of consciousness within science- in the process science will doubtless discover a new middle ground between what it now thinks of as matter and what the mystics describe as consciousness.

Deep Grace Theory A weblog devoted to thinking theory & conversation between science and faith by Janet Knedlik. I don’t want to go to cultural relativism either. So I’m talking about a paradigm for knowing that keeps the solid gold of the scientific method for the sciences, but requires that non-scientific ways of knowing are essential also for citizens in self-governing politites and for the pursuit of understanding concerning the complicated interplay of various kinds of truth.

Investigating Atheism project- University of Cambridge; The purpose of this site is to set these contemporary 'God Wars' in their historical context, and to offer a range of perspectives (from all sides) on the chief issues raised by the 'new atheists'. The Investigating Atheism project is designed to stimulate interest, thought and debate on this important topic (one that has rapidly gained a whole new audience in recent years). The website has been put together by a group of academics and researchers at the faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge, and at the University of Oxford. The team have no set view on the subject, and aim to give a fully independent, but informed statement about this important subject.

Can an Atheist Have a Religious Experience? Ian Robinson - Features noteworthy individual religious experiences. Robinson is currently Editor of the Australian Rationalist. He is a freelance writer, editor and teacher of writing.

Proto-Experiences and Subjective Experiences: Integration of Classical, Quantum, and Subquantum Concepts by Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal - Vision Research Institute, Acton, MA; Dristi Anusandhana Sansthana, Ahmedabad-61, Gujrat, India 2008- JIN June, 2008 In the previous issue of JIN (Vimal, 2008a), I hypothesized that elementary particles (strings, or fermions and bosons) have two aspects: material aspect such as mass, charge, and spin and mental aspect such as elemental proto-experiences (PEs). PEs were conceptualized to be the properties of elementary particles and their interactions, which are composed of all types of irreducible fundamental subjective experiences (SEs)/PEsthat are in superimposed form in elementary particles and in their interactions. That is, the classical view of ‘emergence’ of SEs in neural-nets was unpacked in terms of quantum view of the superposition of fundamental SEs/PEs in elementary particles. This current article further unpacks the quantum view of superposition in terms of subquantum dual-aspect primal entities (bhutatmas). Bhutatmas are based RigVedic dual-aspect Adi-shivaprimal entities, Bohm’s Implicate Order, and fractional quantum Hall effect. This subquantum concept appears to integrate eastern and western perspectives related to reductive and non-reductive metaphysical views, physics, psychophysics and neuroscience related to consciousness.

Body Mind Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality - Amazon.com interview with the author Charles T. Tart, 1998 - The world's most powerful (and negative) religion is Scientism, and you, dear reader, are a member of that church at least part of the time, whether you know it or not. A lot of (useless) conflict and suffering has occurred in our lives because of that. Scientism is what happens to essential science when there is a mental hardening of the arteries, when arrogance makes us think we know it all and automatically scoff at and dismiss anything that doesn't fit our supposedly scientific beliefs, our "ism." Scientism scoffs at and invalidates the entire spiritual nature of people and so causes great suffering, for when any real part of us is denied, we get psychologically sick.

Consciousness: An Introduction by Susan Blackmore. Is there a theory that explains the essence of consciousness? Or is consciousness itself just an illusion? The "last great mystery of science," consciousness was excluded from serious research for most of the last century but is now a rapidly expanding area of study for students of psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience. This groundbreaking book is the first volume to bring together all the major theories of consciousness studies--from those rooted in traditional Western philosophy to those coming out of neuroscience, quantum theory, and Eastern philosophy. Broadly interdisciplinary, the book is divided into nine sections that examine such topics as how subjective experiences arise from objective brain processes, the basic neuroscience and neuropathology of consciousness, altered states of consciousness, mystical experiences and dreams, and the effects of drugs and meditation.

Consciousness and Reality Paavo Pylkkanen- Consciousness and our concept of reality.

Nature of Reality Peter Russell's essay presents the argument as to why the ultimate nature of reality is mental not material.

Aether: The Physicalists' God by Laurent R. Duchesne - How could God think or see with neither brains nor eyes? We are living in a time when uncertainty is widespread. A time when many are questioning current and mainstream dogma. Whether Christian or Muslim, Jewish or Hindu, many find no satisfaction, no fulfillment. World population is ripe for change, for re-focusing. Education needs to be re-directed at a worldwide scale. We need to focus more on Science and less on Religion. We need to toss away superstition and magic and stick to proven facts. There is no Universal Consciousness nor Mind, God can neither think nor see until it turns into brains with eyes. In this sense, we truly are God's servants. (However- Duchesne's hypothesis could also be taken to argue for the reality of Brahman, space as a conscious cosmic matrix, and Stapp's Copenhagen Interpretation that matter manifests only when a human observer collapses the wave function.)

Hyperaction through Hypercomprehension and Hyperdrive - Necessary complement to proliferation of hypermedia in hypersociety by Anthony Judge. This is an exploration of a necessary response to the proliferation of knowledge in various forms through hypermedia, beyond the many simple measures to limit exposure to it. The constraints on such a response are reviewed, notably the mortality of proponents of particular views and their theories, the variety of preferences, complacency and the misguided efforts to mobilize others in support of a particular perspective. Even more intriguing are the epistemological implications of a hyperdodecahedron, especially given recent suggestions for a dodecahedral cosmic topology of the universe A Cosmic Hall of Mirrors. This suggests the possibility of a "hyperdodecatheon" as a way of structuring the relationships between the perspectives of the many religions.

Faith in the Universe - Conversations with Cosmologists by Gordy Slack California Wild- California Academy of Sciences magazine (1998) ...top scientists from the fields of biology, computer science, physics, and cosmology convened in Berkeley to discuss the fit between the science and the faiths they practice. (co-interviewed by philosophy professor Philip Clayton) with physics professor Joel Primack, John Barrow, physicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell, cosmologist John Wheeler, physicist Andrei Linde, astrophysicist Bruno Guiderdoni, physics professor Sandra Faber. See also- William Wootters, professor of physics at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Does the Universe Exist if We're Not Looking? John Wheeler (CD parts 123) Wheeler holds that not only human observers create reality but the impact of cosmic radiation on matter results in the realization of potential of quantum possibilities.

Cosmic Law: Patterns in the Universe Dean Brown and Wenden Wiegand. An online book extracted from the material in a course on consciousness and cosmology at the Philosophical Research Society in L.A. and later for the Holmes Institute. My graduate studies in physics and research in topology and quantum stability were much colored by my growing grasp of the Taoist and Vedic sutras. Later on as my world view developed, it gradually became clear that the fundamental structures of matter, the world of the mind, and the world of the abstract were identical and interwoven. There are indeed patterns in the universe, patterns that are truly invariant and they are surprisingly beautiful and simple.

Thinking Christian blog by Tom Gilson...Do we believe we hold the truth? No, the Truth holds us...Reflections by a true believer but who seems to have all his marbles together for a serious critique of Michael Shermer.

India Daily a chronology of popular sensationalist "technology" articles (from 2004) that feature pseudo-scientific claims providing de-facto support of Hindu metaphysical tradition.




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