Northern California Roller Club
established in 1979

The Northern California Roller Club, NCRC, was officially formed in 1979 to bring together to roller fanciers between Orland and Redding.  When it was formed the club was not all that big, with maybe 20 members.  There were no set dues and Rex Clark, a founding member, printed a monthly bulletin it for many year religiously.
The NCRC started flying kit competition in 1982.  The rules were basically 20 bird kits for 20 minutes, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full turns.  We couldn't get a lot of members to fly then so we started a 12 bird young bird kit in the end of the season so that we could include more members and that we'd have an equal playing feild due to everyone needing to fly young birds.  We would fly 6 times between October and March.   We normally had 6-8 competitors in the early days.  We quickly dicovered that an all age competition was the only way to go as members had different families and most weren't very early to come in.  Needless to say we saw the birds doing a lot more "flying" back when.
Today the NCRC is a fully functional regional roller club; we have 50+ members at all times and have some of the top fliers in the country.   It's members are continuously putting up kits that can compete with the best in the World Cup and other competitions abroad.
We are much more organized with officers, different flying sections between Redding and Stockton, a club futurity contest each year to raise money for our club via a bird auction and a yearly club meeting.  The NCRC is basically 4 small clubs; the Norh Section-Redding and surrounding area, Central Section-between Red Bluff and Chico area, Southern Section-Davis to Sacramento and Far South Section-Lodi and Stockton.  We have only around 25 members between all sections that compete in our kit flies between the months of September and April of each year.  Each section flying on a different weekend in most cases.
We are continuously trying to help more newer comers to the sport of flying rollers to create more competitors.  Our competitions are a pretty friendly affair and it is basically a fly and bs session once a month, a fun time to get together,  exchange ideas and even birds.  We are here for every one of our members and if anyone needs help with anything there is always someone there to give you some sound advice.
The NCRC is the back bone of the Roller Community in Northern California.
If anyone is looking or wanting to help any other roller fancier anywhere please feel free to leave a message on our club's BULLETIN BOARD, simply use your mouse and "click" on the highlighted words.

North Section Photo's
South Section Photo's
Central Section Photo's
Far South Section Photo's
Preferred Reading page
Roller Club Page
1999 NCRC Futurity Auction/BBQ
W.H. Pensom Page



National Birmingham Roller Club
Central Arkansas Flying Roller Club
Freddy's World wide pigeon links
Inter BUG Pigeon People Database
JEDDS Pigeon Supplies
National Pigeon Association(NPA)
North Texas Roller Club
Oklahoma Performing Roller Assoc.
Performing Pigeons in the Netherlands
San Diego Metro Pigeon Club"
Southern California Roller Association
The Pigeon Cote
West Coast Roller Club
World Of Wings Center



The Roller Journal Online! Fly Results, useful Roller advice, Breeder's Directory, subscriptions, Roller Links and much more!

While you are hear please make a point to sign our Guestbook below!!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

North Section contact:
Dave Henderson
1999-00 club secretary

19204A Knighton Rd
Redding, CA 96002
or email

Central Section contact:
Rex Clark
club President

135 East Chapman Street
Orland, CA 95963

South Section contact:
Chuck Alison Roe
Bulletin Editor

236 Guaymas Place
Davis, CA 95616
or email.pigeonman@aol

Far South Section contact:
Tom Brower

9662 Warren Road
Valley Springs, CA 95252

**For information about our club or if you would like to attend a club fly please contact any of the above contacts and they will guide you in the right direction 


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since May 12, 1998

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