this page is up.. well.. because there are people i care about, and they deserve some recogition! if you're not up, it doesnt mean i dont care about you! links will take you to that person's web page. and regarding the pictures, size doesnt matter. :} neither does order too much, okay?! if you dare mock me for my colour scheme, ill send all of these people after you. they may not look tough, but you should see them in action!
oh, and i purposefully didnt say who is what, with regard to the page title. you'll have to guess...
Davyd~ was once my fiance, is always a friend and soulmate. currently residing in Arlington, TX, he enjoys listening to music, yakking about music, buying music, and bitching about his work, (which he does in order to afford more music). he's a hardcore romantic idealist, with a poetic flair, an elfish body, and a real problem with insecurity. he always does his homework right, never does his makeup right, and sometimes says the right things.
Rhiannon~ has been a friend for years, mostly on the net. she's incredibly sensetive, which i admire big time, and think i just spelled wrong. and she means mucho to me... a bestest friend. she lives in Arvada, CO, and you can learn oodles about her from her web page, as well as view more sexy pictures! rhiannon is adorable when she whines, she loves chocolate, PVC dresses, and clubbing. it's been such a blessing to watch her evolve into diva she is now, even just over he last year. she likes chocolate milk, and speaks german, and "anyone who speaks german cant be bad!" so love her! oh yeah, and we made boys take off their clothes for money. >:}
Edward~ is a person very dear to me who is killing time in scotland until i tell the faery-mafia to allow him passage to the states. he likes cars, especially Citroens (dont get him started!), and technical things he can mess about with. the chicks seem to dig him and so does his black kitty, Morticia. watch out for this ladykiller! lots of things that he talks about just sound like "blah blah blah scotland blah blah purple neon blah blah blah computers" to me. info on that, and other stuff he likes is available on his web page, where you will learn that everything in his office is a blue box with flashing lights called a BeBox. oh, and here are his emoticons: normal= :( happy= :| sad= :((
Kieron~ is a longtime friend and my musical significant-other. living in Santa Monica, CA, he is not a mopey goth anymore, nor is he a rivethead, or a grim raver. we eat ice cream together every monday, act like we're 10, and i have borrowed almost everything in his house. i have a return rate of about 50%. i bring him metal things, and he, like davyd, is a "CD boy". these boys and their CDs! he's my favourite person to weird out, even though *he's* the one with the weird chitonous nub left from when they took out his evil gothic heart.
Vitus~ god of Ginchy-ness, vitus has been there through thick and thin. probably my net friend for the longest time, im hoping to meet up in Real Life at Convergence V. he lives in Mandeville, LA, and is the perkiest person i know. maybe perkier than me. i have made his phone bills insane, and he's made me a very happy person. vitus is an angel in a human body, and gives awesome advice. he's probably the only person i even ASK for advice. he, too, is one of those dreaded CDboys, and you cant beat his impression of me saying "dont make me do the comparison!" which will one day be available in WAV format! he also has the nastiest mind i know of, and has some awefully suggestive nicknames for me.
Mare~ is turned on by gay men getting it on, and runs the Cornerstone, cruelty free gothities! yay! she is also princess of all things goat, and a fellow swap mistress / swap nazi. her pissed off rants are always inspirational, and... goat. mare lives somewhere in MA. she'll probably throw a fit if her little paragraph isnt as big as everyone else's, so ill mention her My Little Pony fetish. there. and goat. if you have a spare "schlong", send it her way... it's what she's always wanted... for her very own.
Sarai~ also known as Saraicat, you cant say her name "suh-rye", because it isnt. i always think scary without the C... so she's S_aryCat. i make her laugh, and i love that. we've only just met IRL, but we seem to agree on almost everything. she lives in NYC now, going to college like the sophisticate she is and likes lemoncake. together we've been planning the A.G.F. Orgy, and RGGC, but Sarai gets plenty on her own. (note that we both still qualify as RandyGothGirls; "It's Never Enough") she drank a banana-hazelnut-chocolate shake, and i actually let her see my MESSY bedroom! oh, and she's got really gorgeous eyes. ::blush:: she's up in the runnings for best friend now.. there are so few people i get along with like this.
GothFaeri's Bouncy Kastle / ©1998 Féerique Creations, All Rights Reserved / blah blah blah / written and revised on the last days of june, 98