The Shade

Hello all, my name is Layne! This page is supposed to, or will hopefully end up to be about music, dolphins and friends! I guess I will start out by telling you a bit about myself. I am eighteen years old, born on July 1st, Canada day if you please! I live in Abbotsford, B.C., Canada. I have lived here most of my life, except for the few years I spent in Toowoomba, QLD., Australia. I love animals, especially cats and dolphins. I enjoy music a lot and I believe that there is never enough of it! Concerts rock my world and I am awaiting the arrival of a good one to grace Vancouver!! This Band, here,"I Mother Earth"was a really great show. I guess I'll go into a list of my favorite bands.

My Favorite Bands
--Blind Melon --The Cranberries --I Mother Earth --Our Lady Peace
R.I.P. Shannon Hoon

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