Animal Facts
Animals are able to feel pain just as we can!
  • 660,000 animals are murdered in the United States every hour for their flesh!

  • About 7 billion farm animals die or are slaughtered each year in the U.S. for the production of flesh food.

  • There are virtually no laws against cruelty to animals raised for food in the U.S. The Animal Welfare Act, which governs the humane treatment of animals, excludes animals intended for food consumption.

  • Chickens are raised in crowded, unnatural enviroments. There are usually 3,000 or more in one pen. The birds are not able to move about freely or even spread their wings due to the over crowding. They use "nests" made out of metal and they are bred by unnatural means.

  • In order for hens to lay mass amounts of eggs, artificial light is on 17 hours a day. Each hen averages about 300 eggs per year. Once a hen's egg prodution declines they are slaughtered. Most hens live an average of 5 to 6 years.

  • Many factory-farmed animals never see a blade of grass in their lifetime.

  • In the egg industry, male chicks are considered useless so are often thrown into a grinding machine- ALIVE!

  • Animals raised for food production are nearly always deprived of natural sexual, social, hygienic, and parental behaviors.

  • Reason for veal's light color and tender texture: Veal calves are force-fed an iron-deficient, anemia-producing diet devoid of solid foods.

  • Bulls raised for meat-production are routinely castrated without any type of anesthesia or pain-killers.

  • Many animals are transported to slaughter without food and water for a long time! Millions die on the way to slaughter.

  • The slaughtering process is inhumane. When the animals are stunned before they are slaughtered, it is not always reliable and the animals are in pain as they move towards their death.

  • Veal calfs are raised in cages on an anemic diet. The cages are so small that the calves cannot stand or even move in order to clean themselves. The veal calves are kept in the dark most of their lives within the cages. They are subjected to a cruel and horrid death.

  • More than 7 billion animals die yearly for human consumption.

  • Most food animals are killed by the process of Kosher slaughter. Kosher slaughter involves hanging an animal articullarly a cow or pig by its hooves. The animal's neck is cut without any kind of anethesia. The animal hangs and bleeds to death.

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